driverdisk --source= option

Philip Rowlands phr at
Thu Nov 18 09:06:31 UTC 2004

On Wed, 17 Nov 2004, Mike Smith wrote:

>Doing a kickstart install fails when trying to use the following :
>driverdisk --source=
> It gives an error like this :
>mntloop loop6 on /tmp/drivers as /tmp/dd.img fs is 14
>failed to mount loop : Invalid argument

This message is coming from anaconda's loader2/method.c, and is printed
after trying to mount the image as iso9660, ext2, cramfs then vfat. If I
had to guess, the "Invalid argument" might be the image itself. Are you
sure it's being transferred properly?

Backing up slightly, are you sure you need a driver disk at all? Each
revision of RHEL3 quarterly updates supports more hardware
out-of-the-box. Check the release notes to see what's new in RHEL3-U3.


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