ks] Re: Getting install log on a remote machine

Chris Lumens clumens at redhat.com
Wed Aug 10 15:33:54 UTC 2005

> However, it is entirely possible and indeed workable, I think, to simply send
> the raw syslog message using sockets and avoid a syslog API altogether,
> leaving the remote log server to make sense of it (which has already been
> mentioned by someone else, and is I think the default behaviour of syslog -
> but I'm wiling to be corrected). But smarter heads than mine will decide.

I think a good case can be made for both.  The syslog interface gives
you a quick way to get remote logging up and running because it doesn't
require any special programming.  On the other hand, having a socket
interface gives you the ability to write whatever crazy program you want
to process the log information.

On the other hand, I don't want to make the boot parameters too
complicated.  There's already too many of them and some are pretty

- Chris

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