Odd partition labeling

Klaus Steden klaus.steden at thomson.net
Fri Jul 15 18:29:20 UTC 2005

> I've had the same problem with FC3 and my root partitions. Instead of / 
> which I prefer, I get /1. It doesn't seem to make a difference since it 
> is just the partion label and every thing mounts the way you expect, 
> but I don't like it. You could try a little post script to check and then 
> change the disk label with e2label. Just make sure that you also change 
> the labels in your boot loader and fstab. 
Hrm, that's good to know ... but where does that original labelling get done?
It would be easier to change it immediately after it's set incorrectly - i.e.
before the bootloader and /etc/fstab configurations are written ... otherwise,
that's a lot of dodgy post-scripting, imo.

Any ideas?


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