e1000 still

Ed Brown ebrown at lanl.gov
Tue Mar 22 00:42:13 UTC 2005

On Mon, 2005-03-21 at 15:29, James_Martin at ao.uscourts.gov wrote:
> This is an age old problem going back to my RH 7.2 days.  

Yes, this is old news, hashed over on several lists, in many threads. 
James solution may help the original post-er to this thread, who was
doing remote installs, with no access to the switches.  

The point, or mine anyway, is that hacking the code or having to modify
switch configurations to be able to install the OS, are poor
alternatives to be faced with.  How is this not a problem with anaconda,
and why hasn't RedHat owned it / fixed it? 


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