Multi-version boot CD possible?

Jason L Tibbitts III tibbs at
Mon Mar 20 16:41:34 UTC 2006

>>>>> "DH" == Don Hoover <dxh at> writes:

DH> Is it even possible to have a boot CD that will allow network
DH> kickstarts for multiple versions?

You can put as many boot images as you want on a CD (or USB drive).
Just name the images appropriately (8.3 filenames) and configure
syslinux appropriately:

label ks-4
  kernel vml4
  append initrd=ird4.img ramdisk_size=8192 ksdevice=link ks=whatever
label ks6-4
  kernel vm64
  append initrd=ir64.img ramdisk_size=10000 ksdevice=link ks=whatever
label ks-3
  kernel vml3
  append initrd=ird3.img ramdisk_size=8192 ksdevice=link ks=whatever
label ks6-c4
  kernel vm6c4
  append initrd=ir6c4.img ramdisk_size=10000 ksdevice=link ks=whatever
label ks-c4
  kernel vmlc4
  append initrd=irdc4.img ramdisk_size=10000 ksdevice=link ks=whatever
label memtest86
  kernel memtest
  append -

Of course you have to type the right thing and make sure the
appropriate kickstart files are on the network.

 - J<

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