more arping like checks in fedora7?

Thomas Vogt tv at
Mon Jul 30 06:54:42 UTC 2007


I use kickstart for fedora 4-6 and it works very well. Since we have a 
proxy arp in front of all machines I had to remove all the arping checks 
in /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifup-eth (line 245,248). This is 
necessary because the proxy arp always gives answers for any arp 
requests. Without removing the arping fedora can't set the static ip.

With fedora7 this doesn't work any more. I still have removed the arping 
check in /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifup-eth but the interface eth0 
does not set the static ip adress after a reboot.

It works fine if i set it via console with "ifconfig eth0 
netmask" and "route add default gw" but not if I 
start|restart it via network the default network script in init.d. Are 
there any other checks in fedora7 to protect the system from a network 

Thomas Vogt

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