how to exclude package from repo

Ed Brown ebrown at
Tue Jul 31 16:09:02 UTC 2007

Farkas Levente wrote:
> hi,
> is there any way to exclude package or assign priority to repository in
> kickstart file? with yum one can exclude packages from a repo or with
> yum-protect or yum-priority i can assign priority among repos (in conf
> file). who can i do it in a kickstart file? eg. i'd like to install
> kmod-xfs from centosplus repo during kickstart, but unfortunately
> centosplus repo also contains a modified kernel while i wanna use the
> base kernel. so with yum i can protect or give higher priority to base
> and updates and in this case kernel not updated from centos plus, but
> kmod-xfs can be used. of if i can exclude=kernel* from centosplus that's
> another solution. but none of the above work with kickstart.
> is there any way to solve my problem?
> thanks in advance.

It's true, ASFAIK, that you can't modify the yum configuration for 
repositories added in kickstart with the --repos option, and used for 
%packages.   An alternative would be to create the configuration with 
'here' docs in %post, and then install the package.  Something like:

cat <<XYZ >>/etc/yum.repos.d/centosplus

yum --enable-repo=centosplus install kmod-xfs


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