packages not to update during the KS installation

Timo Bergemann tbergema at
Fri Mar 9 13:20:36 UTC 2007

Hello all,
I have the following situation with the following problem:

four repositorys:
1.) base
2.) updates
3.) extras
4.) eso ( our own repository )

i am installing using the options:
repo --name=updates .....
repo --name=extras ....
repo --name=eso ....
%packages --resolvedeps

after the installation everything is already updated, which also very 
fine :)
But, the kernel I do not want to update. usually I would like to have 
the kernel and its family (-devel ...)i want to have in repository ESO. 
As soon there is a newer kernel in the repository "updates" it gets of 
course installed .

Is there a way of saying something like: do never update kernel from 
repository "update"?
I do not want to exclude the kernel get not mirrored into our updates 
repo, is there another way?
I am searching for a way like 
"exclude=kernel,kernel-smp,kernel-devel,kernel-smp-devel" which I could 
give in /etc/yum.repos.d/*.repo. Unfortunaly during the installation 
such files not exists, or am i wrong here?

Thank you for your help

Timo Bergemann

                            (o o)
      ______   ______   _______
     / ____/  / ____/  / ___  / Timo Bergemann
    / /___   / /___   / /  / /  European Southern Observatory
   / ____/  /___  /  / /  / /   Karl-Schwarzschildstr. 2
  / /___   ___ / /  / /__/ /    D-85748 Garching bei Muenchen
 /_____/  /_____/  /______/     Germany

 fax   : +49 89 3200 6380       e-mail : tbergema at
 voice : +49 89 3200 6760       www    :

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