Unable to get any http requests:Unable to retreive netstg2.imgfile

John Summerfield debian at herakles.homelinux.org
Wed May 16 23:00:29 UTC 2007

Mukarram Syed wrote:

> I am at a loss now.  I am sure it's something simple as it mostly is.
> Help is appreciated.
> Tomorrow, I'll tell my networking guy to enable "spanning tree" so I could
> use dhcp and get the static crap out of my way.
> Will let you know more.

Please, do this:
1. Plug all NICs into the same network
2. run tcpdump to log traffic to a file
3. When it's failed, use tcpdump (or wireshark) to analyse the file. If 
you do a minimum of selection, if it's on the wire it's in your dump.



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