Does Kickstart Support Secure HTTP (port 443)

Michael DeHaan mdehaan at
Wed Nov 28 16:44:06 UTC 2007

Steve Robson wrote:
>> Subject: Does Kickstart Support Secure HTTP (port 443)
>> From: dadembro at
>> Date: Wed, 21 Nov 2007 09:23:29 -0500
>> I have been asked to disable port 80 for security reasons.  I use it 
>> to supply a kickstart file to other systems on the network for Red 
>> Hat Enterprise Linux 4 (update 4).  Trying to get the kickstart with 
>> ks=https://ip_address/kickstart_filename.cfg fails.
> How about trying http but on some alternate port?  ie.
> ks=http://ip_address:port/kickstart_filename.cfg

Moving the port really doesn't make it "secure"... what are you trying 
to restrict access to in the kickstart tree?

Perhaps there's some package/change that you could push out using a 
config management system (or even something as simple as rsync) later?

Or (for limited applications), you could serve (part of) your kickstart 
up by a CGI script based on the MAC address with 'kssendmac' on the 
kernel command line.  That's not really secure either as environment 
variables can be forged, but it would allow for some limited access control.

It really depends on what the problem you are trying to solve is though, 
any of those having ways to be solved other than kickstart over https:// 
with authentication.   (And without
authentication, there's not all that much point to installs over 
https:// anyway).


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