
Andreano Michele Carmine (EDS) m.andreano-eds at
Mon Sep 3 12:17:26 UTC 2007

Hi to all,
after the first installation I have this state:

zerombr yes
clearpart --all --drives=cciss/c0d0,cciss/c0d1

part /boot	--fstype ext3 --size=2000  --grow --maxsize=2000  --ondisk=cciss/c0d0
part /var	--fstype ext3 --size=29000 --grow --maxsize=29000 --ondisk=cciss/c0d1
part /usr	--fstype ext3 --size=12000 --grow --maxsize=12000 --ondisk=cciss/c0d0
part swap		      --size=12000 --grow --maxsize=12000 --ondisk=cciss/c0d0 --asprimary
part /		--fstype ext3 --size=6000  --grow --maxsize=6000  --ondisk=cciss/c0d0
part /tmp	--fstype ext3 --size=8000  --grow --maxsize=8000  --ondisk=cciss/c0d0
part /home	--fstype ext3 --size=4000  --grow --maxsize=4000  --ondisk=cciss/c0d0
part /space	--fstype ext3 --size=31000 --grow 		  --ondisk=cciss/c0d1

In the successive ones installations I must preserve part /space and /var.... and I must format the rest of the partition!!

Excused for the English bad one!!

   Michele Carmine Andreano   

 mail: m.andreano-eds at

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