Error Message: Volume group defined without any physical volumes

Gerrard Geldenhuis Gerrard.Geldenhuis at
Wed Apr 30 08:25:21 UTC 2008

I get the following error when trying to build a IBM 336 server:
Volume group defined without any physical volumens. Either specify
physical volumes or use --existing.

The machine contains an old debian system.

The same kickstart works fine on HP boxes with redhat or nothing

A quick search through my archives of the list suggest people with
seemingly related problems, the solution has been to format the disk in
a pre-script before commencing install. I am going to try it but am
still curious as to why this is happening?

What would be an easy/simple way to differentiate between say an HP
DL360 G5 and an IBM xSeries 336 in the pre-script?


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