Old style fixed partitions in KS-- Anaconda bug??

Michael DeHaan mdehaan at redhat.com
Mon Feb 4 23:12:52 UTC 2008

Cris Rhea wrote:
> I'm trying to lay out disk partitions in a certain way-- 
> This has worked for years, but recently broke due either to
> a change in the way Kickstart works or a bug in Anaconda.
> I use sfdisk to lay out the drive in the %pre section:

Can't help you debug your sfdisk, but the magic cobbler 
(http://cobbler.et.redhat.com) uses by default is the following...

%include /tmp/partinfo

# Determine how many drives we have
set \$(list-harddrives)
let numd=\$#/2

cat << EOF > /tmp/partinfo
part / --fstype ext3 --size=1024 --grow --ondisk=\$d1 --asprimary
part swap --size=1024 --ondisk=\$d1 --asprimary

This has been working very well.

There shouldn't be any reason to call sfdisk that I'm aware of.

(Thanks to Chip S. for the tip)


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