include XEN kernel & tools in CentOS 5.1 kickstart?

Michael DeHaan mdehaan at
Wed Feb 27 15:42:17 UTC 2008

Rudi Ahlers wrote:
> Hi all
> I'm busy creating a custom CentOS installation CD to be used with 
> cPanel, which basically needs a minimum installation of Linux, but I 
> would also like to use Xen for VPS' on the server, and thought I could 
> do both at the same time - automatically install my server to my 
> needs, and install Xen (without needing to run "yum install xen 
> kernel-xen virt-manager" every time).
> So, my question is. How would I add those RPM's to the custom CentOS 
> CD, and install them, and then setup grub.conf to use the Xen kernel 
> upon reboot as well?
All you have to do is add the list of packages you regularly yum-install 
to your kickstart file:

For your dom0 (host OS):



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