swap sizing in a kickstart script

Gerrard Geldenhuis Gerrard.Geldenhuis at datacash.com
Fri Jan 11 15:19:47 UTC 2008

Hi Jimmy,
I am not sure if there is a variable that you can use to calculate swap
size based on memory.

In our situation we know all the machines have the same amount of memory
and allocate a static size.

part swap --size=1000   --maxsize=2000

I am not aware of a "Redhat recommended" swap size. The convention used
to be to have swap double the memory, but these days I don't know how
appropriate that is. I don't fancy an >8Gb swap file...


> -----Original Message-----
> From: kickstart-list-bounces at redhat.com [mailto:kickstart-list-
> bounces at redhat.com] On Behalf Of Jimmy Stewpot
> Sent: 11 January 2008 15:06
> To: kickstart-list at redhat.com
> Subject: swap sizing in a kickstart script
> Hello,
> Is there an automated way in the kickstart file for the system to
> automatically create the "redhat recommended" swap size?
> Regards,
> Jimmy

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