Remedial Question: How do I import additional GPG keys (but not later in post)?

Bryan J Smith bjs at
Wed Nov 5 03:46:55 UTC 2008

On Tue, 2008-11-04 at 22:35 -0500, Seth Vidal wrote:
> 1. anaconda doesn't check gpg keys during the kickstart install.

Okay, that's what I wanted to verify, but didn't want to say.  ;)

> 2. if you want gpg keys imported for repositories for use in in %post via 
> yum just put gpgkey=pathtokey in the .repo section and if you pass a -y to 
> yum it will auto-import the gpgkey.

I think I'd just rather to a "rpm --import http://" in %post instead.
Any advantages to not doing such?

Bryan J Smith - Senior Consultant - Red Hat GPS SE US
mailto:bjs at      +1 (407) 489-7013 (Mobile) 
mailto:b.j.smith at  (non-RH/ext to Blackberry) 
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