RHEL5 - copy files from DVD during %post

Gerald Waugh gwaugh at frontstreetnetworks.com
Sun Feb 8 16:14:15 UTC 2009

I tried to the cdrom eject issue using below, 
but I can't seem to edit the file in my stage2-image directory below
as I get the error that it is a read only file.
Note using an ISO BlueOnyx-5.2-20090107 from
I have used this procedure on an old mandrake system and had no

# insert install-cd into cdrom
  mkdir /mnt/cdrom
  mount /dev/cdrom /mnt/cdrom
  mkdir /home/BlueOnyx
  mkdir /home/BlueOnyx/BlueOnyx-5.2-20090107
  cd /mnt/cdrom
# move the iso to a rw area
  tar -c * | tar -C /home/BlueOnyx/BlueOnyx-5.2-20090107 -xf-
  cd  /home/BlueOnyx/BlueOnyx-5.2-20090107 
  mkdir ../stage2-image
  mount -o loop -t squashfs images/stage2.img ../stage2-image
  cd ../stage2-image
  vi usr/lib/anaconda/kickstart.py

Tried to add
    * add this line into the setSteps function
    * to recreate the ram file system:

Get Error about file not writeable. I can't seem to chmod it as

A Confused Gerald

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