[Libguestfs] febootstrap and download packages

Evaggelos Balaskas ebalaskas at ebalaskas.gr
Fri Dec 21 19:16:41 UTC 2012

Thats fine - that was the approach i was going too but i couldnt think
how to implement this.
Thanks for the acknowledge on github.

I would like to discuss one more thing:

If pacman_config file doesnt exist then exit status of Sys.command cmd is 1
and febootstrap is trying to find this package from aur.

$ sudo pacman --config /etc/pacman.conf2 -Sw rsync ; echo $?
error: config file /etc/pacman.conf2 could not be read.

a fallback mechanism could be this:

(match pacman_config with
 | None -> ""
 | Some filename when Sys.file_exists filename -> " --config " ^ filename
 | _ -> ""

(learning ocaml through febootstrap !)

I am not sure what the user experience should be on that.
Whats the approach on yum plugin, if the yum config doesnt exist ?

Evaggelos Balaskas - Unix System Engineer

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