[libvirt] [PATCH] Trivial virsh.pod additions --all for "list" command and similar

Justin Clift justin at salasaga.org
Sat May 29 18:39:03 UTC 2010

Hi all,

This is just a trivial patch to virsh.pod (from git master). It adds the 
following pieces to the virsh man page:

  + Shows the --inactive and --all optional parameters for the list

    Closes Bugzilla #575512, reported by Renich Bon Ciric (CC'd)

  + Corrects the existing description of the list command, to now say
    that only running domains are listed if no domains are specified.

    The man page up until this point has said all domains are listed if
    no domains are specified, which is incorrect.

  + Adds the "shut off" state to the list of states for the list

  + Adds a missing =back around line 755, that pod2man was complaining
    was missing.

Regards and best wishes,

Justin Clift

Salasaga  -  Open Source eLearning IDE
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