Duplicate audit event IDs

Steve Grubb sgrubb at redhat.com
Thu Apr 6 15:06:02 UTC 2006

On Thursday 06 April 2006 10:47, Steve Brueckner wrote:
> What might cause this?

The event ID can be recycled. Its the combination of time stamp and serial 
number that creates uniqueness.

> At some point my event IDs got reset (they didn't cycle that fast!).  I've
> been playing quite a bit with the audit system so I'm not sure what caused
> it.  Possibilities include: 
>  - Restarting the auditd service


>  - Rebooting the machine


>  - Deleting the /var/log/audit/audit.log file


There can also be wrapping.

> Or should this just plain not happen?  

It can happen.

> I'm on FC4 using kernel 2.6.12-1.1447_FC4xen0.  I'm afraid I can't easily
> upgrade at the moment because I've build an entire system predicated on old
> versions of SELinux and Xen.

You will likely have other problems on a kernel that old. I think 2.6.14 was 
when we really had most features in place and stable.

> I also have a couple of other questions:
>  - How large to audit event numbers get before they cycle back to zero?

I think its a u32 number.

>  - Is there any way to have ausearch only the most recent audit log instead
> of all logs?

Sure, use the "-if" option and give it the full path to the file.

ausearch -if /var/log/audit/audit.log


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