File watching

Steve m6x at
Tue Jun 20 18:52:37 UTC 2006

>> Is it possible to tell if a file was opened read/write or read-only from 
>> the events generated by audit?

> The record does record syscall arguments, however, so perhaps you could
> analyze a1= (I believe this is the argument that passes flags), and
> figure out with what flags open() was called with.

I performed an open on a file twice, the first is when the user had 
read/write privileges to the file and in the second the user only has 
read permissions.  These were the a# values from the events, respectively:

a0=bfe6ac25 a1=8000 a2=0 a3=8000

a0=bfd25b55 a1=8000 a2=0 a3=8000

I'm not sure how to analyze that...

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