audisp-prelude problems

Steve Grubb sgrubb at
Wed Dec 3 17:34:11 UTC 2008

On Wednesday 03 December 2008 12:17:46 LC Bruzenak wrote:
> MY favorite: ask Steve how to make the aggregating side flexible in
> this regard.

Why did I know this was coming?  :)

> We may need a BZ filed or a consensus about what is important on this list. I
> also would like a separation based on time to allow for an easier
> archive/restore capability

There is a cron script shipped but not installed that can do the right thing.

> ...and maybe that built in if possible! Separation based on node is also a
> potential "good thing".

The main poblem is that once its separated, ausearch/report don't know how to 
put it back together again. The current algorithm is a simple number index and 
ausearch, aureport, and even auparse knows how to find the files in the right 
order to make sense of it.


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