Auditing write syscall

Ondra N. ondrysak at
Mon May 13 19:43:54 UTC 2019


I would like to ask a question about auditing write syscalls.  I am trying
to monitor all filesystem changes in a specific directory and process the
changes in near real time - audispd, was very helpful with that.

What concerns me is what if a filedescriptor is kept open for long periods
of time and written to once in a while? Only the open syscall is logged
when using a rule like this one.

auditctl -w /tmp/rnd_pop -p wa -k test_key

I was thinking that maybe being more explicit about what I want to do could
help like setting up a rule like this one.

auditctl -a always,exit -F dir=/tmp/rnd_pop -F perm=w -F succes=1 -k

But it doesnt seem to work for me, I guess I cannot filter write syscall by
directory because nothing ever shows up in the audit.log with a rule like

What is the intended way to achieve logging of write syscalls in specific
directory, am i missing something? Should I check myself if the file is
still open when event is being processed and act accordingly?

Best regards,

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