[Linux-cluster] problem stopping dead samba service

Birger Wathne birger at uib.no
Thu May 12 16:40:04 UTC 2005

i just had a problem that may need looking into.

my samba processes had been killed. the init.d scripts for samba (smb 
and winbind) both return a non-zero status when you try to stop the 
service when it's already dead. clusvcadm couldn't stop the service 
because of this non-zero status, and i was also unable to start it.

i fixed it for now by making the stop functions in smb and winbind return 0.

are there any accepted standards for /etc/init.d scripts? What is 
supposed to happen when stopping a non-running service? in other words, 
is this a samba or a cluster problem?


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