[Linux-cluster] Quick off topic question

Bryn M. Reeves breeves at redhat.com
Wed Jan 10 19:59:29 UTC 2007

Hash: SHA1

Kit Gerrits wrote:
> Keep in mind, that Bash does some interesting tricks with its bash_history.
> (like maintaining a single history per session and fusing them afterwards).
> It might be a good idea to mail&wipe the .bash_history file upon logout.
> If you want to use the .bash_history file for autiding:
> Some O/S'es / filesystems allow write-only access to files.
> This would make sure the user cannot 'edit' the file to remove any traces.
> (This is usually limited to /var/log, so I don't know if it can be applied
> to a single file)

Ext3 allows something close to this. Using its extended attributes you
can mark a file as append only (chattr +a <file>). Only the root account
can add/remove this attr.

It doesn't seem to play to well when the history fills up though - if I
set HISTFILESIZE and HISTSIZE both to 10, after 10 history items have
accumulated it ceases to record anything.

I don't think trying to use the shell history as a security audit is
really going to fly.

Kind regards,


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