[Linux-cluster] CS4 U4/ question about fencing decision on Heart beat failure

Alain Moulle Alain.Moulle at bull.net
Fri Jan 12 12:58:55 UTC 2007


A question about Heart-beat failure in case of HA pair:

In the case the Ethernet Network is globaly in failure,
I understand that both nodes in the HA pair will detect
an heart-beat failure after 21s and try to fence each other,
the first in the race wins to stay alive.
But if there is a failure locally on one node around the
Heart-Beat Ethernet interface (such us interface down for
example), is there always a race between both nodes ?
or is the error taken in account by CS4 so that the node in
error will always be the killed node, and the other where
there was no Ethernet error will always stay alive ?

Alain Moullé

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