[Linux-cluster] mount: not in default fence domain

Sebastian Reitenbach sebastia at l00-bugdead-prods.de
Tue Jul 17 14:36:25 UTC 2007


I am still on my openSUSE 10.2, x86_64, cluster-2.0.0. and openais 0.80.1 
and kernel version

I got so far, that my two node cluster tries to start when i issue 
a /etc/init.d/cman start. When I only start one node, the fenced crashes. 
But when I start both at the same time, the fenced stays alive, as mentioned 
in an earlier mail in another thread. After about half an hour, I thought I 
try mounting the GFS2 partition. The mount process hung on both machines 
too. Then I killed the cman init script on one machine. The other detected 
this, but then the mount commands ended too, with the following error 

Jul 17 15:28:06 srv5 gfs_controld[22012]: mount: not in default fence domain
Jul 17 15:28:35 srv5 gfs_controld[22012]: mount: not in default fence domain

the fenced was running, but no fence_ilo, but I am also not sure, whether 
this one has to run or not.

what does the error message above is trying to tell me? Can I fix this, or 
will it "fix itself", when I am getting the cman script starting correctly?

kind regards

below my cluster.conf

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<cluster name="correo" config_version="1">
  <cman two_node="1" expected_votes="1">


<clusternode name="srv4" nodeid="1" votes="1">
                <method name="single">
                        <device name="ilo_srv4"/>

<clusternode name="srv5" nodeid="1" votes="1">
                <method name="single">
                        <device name="ilo_srv5"/>

        <fencedevice name="ilo_srv4" agent="fence_ilo" hostname="srv4" 
login="ilo" password="test" />
        <fencedevice name="ilo_srv5" agent="fence_ilo" hostname="srv5" 
login="ilo" password="test" />


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