答复: [Linux-cluster] GNBD question

Kein He kein.he at gmail.com
Sat Dec 13 17:07:20 UTC 2008

1. Please consider using ISCSI instead of GNBD. Since ISCSI has more
advantages than GNBD.

2. Modern Servers have IPMI module, you can use IPMI fencing method. Power
fencing is more reliable.

3. RHCS + XEN :

hi all..

Is it recommended to use GNBD in production cluster? . The main
purpose of this cluster would be to provide high availablity of Xen
virtual machines. I don't have a fencing device hence I am giving a
thought to use GNBD since it can be used in fencing without any

Also, any pointers to the tutorial on using gnbd with RHCS and xen
would be great.


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