[linux-lvm] LDM and devfs with LVM

Steven Lembark lembark at wrkhors.com
Sun Nov 25 21:17:02 UTC 2001

-- Mark Anders <mark_a_anders at yahoo.com>

> I am trying to make LVM work with both LDM and devfs.  Is this supported?
> I have two disks which were configured as dynamic disks in windows.
> Linux is able to see and access all the dynamic disk partitions (through
> /dev/discs/disc0/part? and /proc/partitions but not through fdisk).  Does
> LVM need to access the partition table or can it operate using only
> /proc/partitions and the device files?

Works fine for me. If you have devfs set up to keep the
stats on links then it'll just make its own copy of the
/dev/vgXX files. Alternative is to move the volume groups
out of /dev. Problem there is that the --preifx switch
doesn't work entirely -- there are a were code changes you
have to make in order to move vg's out of /dev/ the last
time I tried it.

Only real thing to make a point of is mounting /dev before
the LVM volumes (not hard since one is normally done before
mouting the root volume the other after).

Steven Lembark                               2930 W. Palmer
Workhorse Computing                       Chicago, IL 60647
                                            +1 800 762 1582

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