[linux-lvm] Shared library liblvm2clusterlock.so does not contain locking functions

Michael Stübiger stuebiger-lvm at cip.ifi.lmu.de
Wed May 4 13:46:53 UTC 2005


did you run ./configure with 

where TYPE is one of the following values:  cman/gulm/none/all
Default value is none. That would leave you without clvmd.
Which you need when using GFS.

Hope this helps
| Dipl. Inf. Michael Stübiger                   Michael.Stuebiger at rz.ifi.lmu.de |
| Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitaet Muenchen                                         |
| Institut fuer Informatik                Zimmer Z 9      Tel: 2180-9137           |

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