[linux-lvm] LVM Overhead

Tomasz Chmielewski mangoo at wpkg.org
Mon Sep 24 17:52:21 UTC 2007

Chris Cox schrieb:


>>> LVMS=$(/bin/ls /dev/$HOSTNAME/)
>>> for LVM in $LVMS
>>>     do
>>>         blockdev --setra 16384 /dev/$HOSTNAME/$LVM
>>>     done
>> Hmmm, perhaps for iSCSI.  But using fibre SAN, I saturate my
>> 2Gbps link (almost 200MB/sec).
> I check my local drives, they all use the default 1024....
> Is setting the read ahead that big of a deal with just LVM?
> I would think if it's an issue, it's an issue everywhere.

For me, the default was 256.

I use that big readahead after a bit of benchmarking; perhaps it's very 
specific to my setup.

Tomasz Chmielewski

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