[linux-lvm] pvmove

Alasdair G Kergon agk at redhat.com
Mon Sep 23 21:10:49 UTC 2013

On Tue, Jul 23, 2013 at 05:45:50AM +0300, Martin Papik wrote:
> * IMHO vgs/lvs/pvs should have an command line parameter, or option  
> modifier allowing to not display empty columns, i.e. the following  
> command might skip displaying origin, snap%, move, log, copy%, convert,  
> because they have no values. That would allow me to show copy_percent  
> column only when copy is in progress. Would be nice.

Yes - I'm surprised we never had this suggested before.

- Some columns will gain a property saying they can be suppressed when empty.

- A new cmdline option/config setting to suppress empty fields.

- Implemented as an extension alongside the 'sort' option.  (Like sort, you
  have to have all the output data prepared before you find out whether any
  columns are empty - even the headings can't be output before this point.)

- A way to flag an output data entry as empty.  (zkabelac is about to commit
  some patches to tidy up the handling of empty fields so this change can
  follow those.)


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