[lvm-devel] permitting tightly scoped declarations

Petr Rockai me at mornfall.net
Wed Aug 8 17:06:05 UTC 2007

Well, i would probably vote for allowing C99-style declarations
anywhere, but even declarations at the start of the block would be an
improvement... IMHO / personal preference (ie. i find code easier to
write, easier to read and getting better compile-time checks, too).

Yours (C++-spoilt) Peter.

Peter Rockai | me()mornfall!net | prockai()redhat!com
 http://blog.mornfall.net | http://web.mornfall.net

"In My Egotistical Opinion, most people's C programs should be
 indented six feet downward and covered with dirt."
     -- Blair P. Houghton on the subject of C program indentation

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