nspluginwrapper, Flash 10 and flashblock 1.5.7: very unstable

Gwenole Beauchesne gb.public at free.fr
Tue Nov 11 21:59:20 UTC 2008


----- "Frederik Himpe" <fhimpe at telenet.be> a écrit :

> I'm using Flash 10 and nspluginwrapper 1.1.4 and Firefox 3.0.3 on
> Mandriva 2009.0 x86_64. nspluginwrapper (different previous versions
> up
> to the current 1.1.4) and Flash 10, have never worked stable for me.

What site? I tried fully loaded things like TF1, Gaumont, Freenews, Youtube without crash in the plugin nor the browser.

> Different things I'm seeing:
> - npviewer.bin starts using 100% of cpu time, blocking my web browser
> while this happens. strace and ltrace don't give any information
> about

I don't see anything here but an 'f' instead of the normal content, which I assume is the expected behaviour. Flash then normally starts when I click on the plugin area.

I tested with Firefox 3.0.3 (from openSUSE 11.0 updates) + Flash Block 1.5.7 + Flash + original nspluginwrapper 1.1.4 (fresh checkout from: http://svn.beauchesne.info/svn/gwenole/projects/nspluginwrapper/tags/release-1.1.4).

> (npviewer.bin:5867): Gtk-WARNING **: Unable to locate theme engine in
> module_path: "clearlooks",

BTW, as a side|sad note: Mandriva used to have correct 32-bit run-time by default, including the default Gtk2 theme for both 64-bit and 32-bit applications. Please don't forget to ship with the 32-bit Gtk2 engines...


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