[olpc-software] radio reciever

Tom M letterrip at gmail.com
Wed Apr 5 03:27:44 UTC 2006

This is a bit offtopic but....

I realize the hardware is likely long since finalized, but would it be
feasible to add a transister radio reciever?  Ie lessons or updated
testing materials could be broadcast nationwide, as could the testing
material, and followed by keys for correcting the tests, and training
material for various interests.

The information could be staggered by time and freuqency so huge amout
of information could be disseminated.  Additionally information that
is time critical could be transmitted back immediately on emergency

Prior to OLPC I'd designed (but not implemented) an education plan
fwhere radio, tv, and newspapers are used for broadcasting teaching
information, where everything is self graded, then final exams can be
attended at centralized controlled testing facilities.  (Another
option was that they could take the final exam anywhere unsupervised,
but then a random selection of questions could be done at the central
testing location or at a potential employer for confirmation)

Something like OLPC would be a major enhancement over this idea, but
this could well be outside of OLPCs scope.

Tom M.

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