[Olpc-vault-devel] Hi.

Robin Norwood rnorwood at redhat.com
Tue May 29 21:15:44 UTC 2007

Greg Dekoenigsberg <gdk at redhat.com> writes:

> On Wed, 16 May 2007, Greg Dekoenigsberg wrote:
>> On Wed, 16 May 2007, Robin Norwood wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I'm Robin Norwood on the Desktop team in Red Hat.  Greg asked me to
>>> look
>>> into getting a build system for our instance of Remora set up, and maybe
>>> do some hacking if I have spare time.
>> I'll be spending Friday cozying up with him, heh.
> To be clearer here, and to get everyone up to speed:
> The most important thing now, from my perspective, is to set up the
> hacking infrastructure.
> That means:
> 1. Making sure that we've got good process that gets you from
> "checking code out of git" to "having a running instance of Remora".
> 2. Making sure that we've got a nightly build box that follows that
> process to the letter.  That box will be olpc2.redhat.com.
> I haven't had a lot of time to make this stuff happen, much to my
> chagrin -- but I'm hoping that we can make some progress in the
> upcoming week.



Now points to a build of remora from the git checkout.

Also, the git tree (/var/git/bundle-vault/) on that box is updated daily

Also also, the script /root/bundle-vault-setup.sh will

o Copy the latest git tree to somewhere in /opt/bundle-vault (based upon
the date and build #)

o Create a set of matching databasae, populated appropriately, and
configures the copy of the app to point to said database.

o Configures apache to point the DocumentRoot to the appropriate

o Restarts httpd

ie, everything needed to go from the git tree to a working app.

Next steps:

o Write a 'cleanup' script to clean up old builds.

o Figure out how to set up the 'services' stuff - right now I think just
the web UI is up

o Figure out how to set things up so we can access old builds (probably
something like bundle-vault-2007-05-29_8.olpc2.hosted.redhat.com with

o Get the whole build process going nightly.  Right now just the git
checkout is done nightly.

o Figure out how to run the included tests suite. (seems broken)

So, feel free to play with it, run the setup script, etc.


Robin Norwood
Red Hat, Inc.

"The Sage does nothing, yet nothing remains undone."
-Lao Tzu, Te Tao Ching

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