[Open-scap] Patch for benchmark export support

Joshua Adams jadams at tresys.com
Tue May 11 14:19:08 UTC 2010

Thanks for the help.
I've made the suggested changes and added support for Values in the attached patch.

Josh Adams

-----Original Message-----
From: Maros Barabas [mailto:mbarabas at redhat.com]
Sent: Tue 5/11/2010 6:54 AM
To: Joshua Adams
Cc: open-scap-list at redhat.com
Subject: Re: [Open-scap] Patch for benchmark export support
Hi Josh,

> Anyways, I've been working on adding export support for benchmarks and in
> the patch I submitted I've added full support for Groups and Rules.  I
> plan on implementing the rest, but wanted to get some feedback before I
> went further to make sure I'm headed in the right direction.
I've started to review your patch and the code is good. I have only two 
questions (correct me if I'm wrong):
1) Item type is abstract and the Item element should never appear in a valid 
XCCDF file, so there shouldn't be:
               case XCCDF_ITEM:
                       xmlNodeSetName(item_node,BAD_CAST "Item");
in xccdf_item_to_dom function. 

2) Is there any reason why you use:
if (xccdf_item_get_version(item)) {
                char version[10];
                *version = '\0';
                snprintf(version, sizeof(version), "%s", 
                xmlNewChild(item_node, ns_xccdf, BAD_CAST "version", BAD_CAST 
Version getters are implemented to return "const char *" so I suppose there 
should be only 
                xmlNewChild(item_node, ns_xccdf, BAD_CAST "version", BAD_CAST 

shouldn't be ?

> I did run into one issue.  It seems that when descriptions and rationales
> (and a few other text fields) are parsed, they use the XCCDF_TEXT_HTML
> constant defined in src/XCCDF/item.c instead of XCCDF_TEXT_PLAINSUB.  This
> caused the output when exporting to be become messed up like:
> <description><description
> xmlns="http://checklists.nist.gov/xccdf/1.1">Sudo privileges should
> granted or rejected to the wheel group as
> appropriate</description></description>
I will take a look at this.

Goog work !


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