[Open-scap] oscap generate guide ignores profile

Shawn Wells shawn at redhat.com
Thu Dec 12 02:36:52 UTC 2013

On 12/11/13, 4:34 PM, WARREN wrote:
> Hi,
> One of the useful facilities in openscap is to generate a "security 
> guide"
> When I run:
> # oscap xccdf generate --profile Baseline guide --output \
>       BaselineGuide.html solaris-xccdf.xml
> the guide produced includes everything from the XCCDF file and not
> just for the "--profile" specified. I see a table at the end telling
> me what would be selected (or not) for the profile selected, but it
> seems to me that having everything in the guide is confusing, as the
> different profiles call different checks (obviously) and having them
> all there whether they are used or not seems like not the best idea.
> Is there some way to turn off this "feature"? perhaps by manipulating
> a style sheet? or should I call it a bug?


It'd be incredibly useful to generate a true guide, versus a checklist, 
per profile.

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