[Osdc-edu-authors] [Fwd: [OSDC Admin] [Share your open source story] open online course creation tools/development]

Jason Hibbets jhibbets at redhat.com
Tue Aug 10 14:44:05 UTC 2010

Hi edu folks,

This guy is pretty cool. He lives in my neighborhood and I've been 
bugging him about the education channel. He might be available as a 
regular contributor. Let me know and I can connect you guys.


-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [OSDC Admin] [Share your open source story] open online course 
creation tools/development
Date: Tue, 10 Aug 2010 10:10:14 -0400
From: mike.shumake at ncpublicschools.gov
To: osdc-admin at redhat.com

Mike Shumake sent a message using the contact form at

I was the online teacher of the year for NC last year, and I've been 
with a lot of online ed course development over the years.  If your org is
interested, you should send someone to the iNACOL symposium in November 
in Pheonix, AZ to do a story on open source online education -a 
topic for an education industry that spends millions in every state each 
on textbooks!
I'm an English teacher and feel competent enough to write the article, but
I'm afraid, as much as I believe in open source collaboration, I'd have to
charge for this kind of work, as it's my career.  Let me know if you're
interested though!

Mike Shumake, MSA
NCVPS Teacher/Evaluator
Evergreen District, Wa English
Resume: http://tinyurl.com/shu-ncrew
Cell: 919.395.1494
Skype:  360.450.0460
Skype username: mike.shumake

Report as inappropriate:

Jason Hibbets, RHCE :: Twitter: @jhibbets
Project Manager | Brand Communications + Design
Red Hat :: 1801 Varsity Drive :: Raleigh, NC  27606

http://opensource.com -- Where open source multiplies

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