[Osdc-edu-authors] Fwd: [OSDC Admin] [Media requests] using CC animations for a demo project

Ruth Suehle rsuehle at redhat.com
Mon Nov 29 03:36:34 UTC 2010

This is an email from someone who originally sent us an email asking how to find CC-licensed animations. I haven't got even half an answer for his next question, even enough to know whether the answer is, "Good luck with that..." So I thought I'd ask you education folks. :-) 


----- Forwarded Message ----- 

Hello Ruth! Darrell Rolstone here in Thailand! 
First, thanks again! I found Big Buck Bunny, a 9 minute "no dialogue" animation that will be perfect to re-do into a simple bi-lingual dialogue example of my patented "Neural Pathways Language Splicing" method to present to movie studios! 
Next, on my way out of the Uni where I work....I had this flash that you'd be just the person to ask about open source software capable of running a medium sized University....with 7 campuses with around 10,000 students in all! We're in a huge mess here administratively and we need to implement an up-to-date that is truly multi-dimensionally "cross referrenced"! This Uni does half its stuff on paper....can't find anything....registration is a total mess...uploading grades is a total mess....finding anyones records, let alone checking on any one single aspect of their records...like last quarters English grades....is near impossible. And we don't even network connect to the other campuses! 
I'm sure the Uni President wouldn't mind even PAYING (God forbid) a reasonable price for really cool, current multi-D software.....can you direct me to some possible software and/or recommend what you feel is the very best out there at a reasonable price (remember, here in Thailand the minimum wage is 60 cents per hour) and students pay a whopping $1,000 per semester...and that is very high compared to government Uni's that are only around $10 per unit! 
I've been here for 18 years....and I'm a techno dufus (as I've already confessed in my first email) so I haven't a clue what to do...but sincerely want to help our Uni get organized and smoothe running! 
Thanks for whatever you can do to help...from "administrative mess-land", Darrell 

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