[Osdc-edu-authors] [TOS] POSSE SA lead-in article on opensource.com

Matthew Jadud mjadud at allegheny.edu
Sat Oct 2 21:46:27 UTC 2010

On Sat, Oct 2, 2010 at 17:22, Heidi Ellis <heidijcellis at gmail.com> wrote:
> applying the term to students but less so applying it to themselves (we're
> supposed to be in charge you know, can't have the leader be lost :-) ) Some

Here, here! Decentralization wonderful, but... wait, I'm not in charge?!

> Whereas being productively lost in FOSS has much more to do with the
> community and processes than the actual content of the projects.

Yep. The processes are very different.

> going to be helpful. For one, the term "evolutionary" implies small changes
> which most profs are more likely to adopt.

And, ultimately, I think changes will need to be "prescriptive" to
help aid adoption. "Just tell me what I need to do to do open source."
Of course, that's tricky...

> we'll be able to identify the commonalities among types of institutions.
> Tailoring for a group of like institutions is more scaleable than tailoring
> for individual institution.


> Just my 2 cents.
> Heidi

They all sounded like great comments/clarifications.


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