[Osdc-edu-authors] ARTICLE DRAFT: Andragogy vs Pedagogy

Matthew Jadud mjadud at allegheny.edu
Sat Apr 30 02:43:08 UTC 2011

Hi Mel,

On Fri, Apr 29, 2011 at 14:28, Mel Chua <mel at redhat.com> wrote:
> Thoughts? I realize that there's a lot of good stuff labeled "pedagogy" (and
> that I'm basing my argument here on semantics) but couldn't think of a
> better way to make the distinction.

"Well, duh. If I’m treated like an empty bucket dependent on
benevolent sources of knowledge to swoop down and fill me and program
me like a robot, of course I’m not going to come alive."

I think that's disrespectful of educators. If you were asking my
opinion if this post should run in the EDU channel, than my answer
would be "no." I personally see adversarial posts like this as adding
nothing whatsoever to the dialog, and actually being


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