[Ovirt-devel] [PATCH] Fix for flexigrid popups. (resend)

Jason Guiditta jguiditt at redhat.com
Wed Aug 20 20:24:48 UTC 2008

These popups were sometimes too wide, this patch cleans that up.

Also removed some columns from the hosts popup, as this was an
additional issue causing things to be too wide.

Signed-off-by: Jason Guiditta <jguiditt at redhat.com>
 wui/src/app/views/hardware/show_hosts.rhtml   |    3 ++-
 wui/src/app/views/hardware/show_storage.rhtml |    3 ++-
 wui/src/app/views/host/_grid.rhtml            |   23 ++++++++++++++---------
 wui/src/app/views/host/addhost.html.erb       |    9 ++++++---
 wui/src/app/views/storage/_grid.rhtml         |    3 +++
 wui/src/app/views/storage/add.rhtml           |    2 +-
 wui/src/public/stylesheets/facebox.css        |    2 +-
 7 files changed, 29 insertions(+), 16 deletions(-)

diff --git a/wui/src/app/views/hardware/show_hosts.rhtml b/wui/src/app/views/hardware/show_hosts.rhtml
index f2962cb..2981440 100644
--- a/wui/src/app/views/hardware/show_hosts.rhtml
+++ b/wui/src/app/views/hardware/show_hosts.rhtml
@@ -67,7 +67,8 @@
                                                         :on_select => "hosts_select", 
                                                         :on_deselect => "load_widget_deselect",
                                                         :on_hover => "load_widget_hover",
-                                                        :on_unhover => "load_widget_unhover" } %>
+                                                        :on_unhover => "load_widget_unhover",
+                                                        :is_popup => false} %>
    <div class="selection_detail" id="hosts_selection">
    	<div class="selection_left">
diff --git a/wui/src/app/views/hardware/show_storage.rhtml b/wui/src/app/views/hardware/show_storage.rhtml
index 3446280..37af1ce 100644
--- a/wui/src/app/views/hardware/show_storage.rhtml
+++ b/wui/src/app/views/hardware/show_storage.rhtml
@@ -67,7 +67,8 @@
        <%= render :partial => "/storage/grid", :locals => { :table_id => "storage_grid",
                                                             :hwpool => @pool,
                                                             :exclude_pool => nil,
-                                                            :on_select => "storage_select" } %>
+                                                            :on_select => "storage_select",
+                                                            :is_popup => false} %>
   <div class="selection_detail" id="storage_selection">
diff --git a/wui/src/app/views/host/_grid.rhtml b/wui/src/app/views/host/_grid.rhtml
index d3db182..14204b5 100644
--- a/wui/src/app/views/host/_grid.rhtml
+++ b/wui/src/app/views/host/_grid.rhtml
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 <%= render :partial => 'graph/load_graph.rhtml' %>
-<% hosts_per_page = 40 %>
+<% hosts_per_page.nil? ? hosts_per_page = 40: hosts_per_page = hosts_per_page %>
 <div id="<%= table_id %>_div">
 <%= "<form id=\"#{table_id}_form\">" if checkboxes %>
 <table id="<%= table_id %>" style="display:none"></table>
@@ -17,18 +17,23 @@
                        :exclude_host => exclude_host,
                        :checkboxes => checkboxes %>',
     dataType: 'json',
+    <% if is_popup%>
+        width: 700,
+    <% end %>
     colModel : [
         <%= "{display: '', width : 20, align: 'left', process: #{table_id}checkbox}," if checkboxes %>
         {display: 'Hostname', name : 'hostname', width : 60, align: 'left'},
         <%= "{display: 'Hardware Pool', name : 'pools.name', width : 100, align: 'left'}," if exclude_pool %>
-        {display: 'UUID', name : 'uuid', width : 180, align: 'left'},
-        {display: 'Hypervisor', name : 'hypervisor_type', width : 60, align: 'left'},
-        {display: 'CPUs', name : 'num_cpus', width : 30, align: 'left'},
-        {display: 'Speed (MHz)', name : 'cpu_speed', width : 70, align: 'right'},
-        {display: 'Arch', name : 'arch', width : 50, align: 'right'},
-        {display: 'RAM (MB)', name : 'memory', width : 60, align: 'right'},
-        {display: 'Status', name : 'is_disabled', width : 110, align: 'right'},
-        {display: 'Load', name : 'load', width: 180, sortable : false, align: 'left', process: <%= table_id %>_load_widget }
+        {display: 'UUID', name : 'uuid', width : 180, align: 'left'}<% if !is_popup %>,<% end %>
+        <% if !is_popup %>
+            {display: 'Hypervisor', name : 'hypervisor_type', width : 60, align: 'left'},
+            {display: 'CPUs', name : 'num_cpus', width : 30, align: 'left'},
+            {display: 'Speed (MHz)', name : 'cpu_speed', width : 70, align: 'right'},
+            {display: 'Arch', name : 'arch', width : 50, align: 'right'},
+            {display: 'RAM (MB)', name : 'memory', width : 60, align: 'right'},
+            {display: 'Status', name : 'is_disabled', width : 110, align: 'right'},
+            {display: 'Load', name : 'load', width: 180, sortable : false, align: 'left', process: <%= table_id %>_load_widget }
+        <% end %>
     sortname: "hostname",
     sortorder: "asc",
diff --git a/wui/src/app/views/host/addhost.html.erb b/wui/src/app/views/host/addhost.html.erb
index 41b6213..7edd4c5 100644
--- a/wui/src/app/views/host/addhost.html.erb
+++ b/wui/src/app/views/host/addhost.html.erb
@@ -4,9 +4,9 @@
 <%- content_for :description do -%>
   Select hosts from the list below to add to the <%= @hardware_pool.name %> hardware pool.  <a href="#">Learn how to manage hosts</a>
 <%- end -%>
+<div id="dialog-content-area">
+<div class="dialog_body_small">
 <div class="panel_header"></div>
-<div class="dialog_body">
   <%= render :partial => "/host/grid", :locals => { :table_id => "addhosts_grid",
              :hwpool => nil,
              :exclude_pool => @hardware_pool.id,
@@ -15,10 +15,13 @@
              :on_select => "load_widget_select",
              :on_deselect => "load_widget_deselect",
              :on_hover => "load_widget_hover",
-             :on_unhover => "load_widget_unhover"  } %>
+             :on_unhover => "load_widget_unhover",
+             :is_popup => true,
+             :hosts_per_page => 10} %>
 <%= popup_footer("add_hosts('#{url_for :controller => "hardware", 
                                       :action => "add_hosts", 
                                       :id => @hardware_pool}')", 
                  "Add Hosts") %>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/wui/src/app/views/storage/_grid.rhtml b/wui/src/app/views/storage/_grid.rhtml
index 3bdf407..c36f4d3 100644
--- a/wui/src/app/views/storage/_grid.rhtml
+++ b/wui/src/app/views/storage/_grid.rhtml
@@ -11,6 +11,9 @@
     url: '<%=  url_for :controller => "hardware", :action => "storage_pools_json", :id => (hwpool.nil? ? nil : hwpool.id), :exclude_pool => exclude_pool %>',
     dataType: 'json',
+    <% if is_popup %>
+        width: 700,
+    <% end %>
     colModel : [
         {display: '', width : 20, align: 'left', process: <%= table_id %>checkbox},
         {display: 'Alias', width : 180, align: 'left'},
diff --git a/wui/src/app/views/storage/add.rhtml b/wui/src/app/views/storage/add.rhtml
index 11cda06..60176a0 100644
--- a/wui/src/app/views/storage/add.rhtml
+++ b/wui/src/app/views/storage/add.rhtml
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
 <div class="panel_header"></div>
   <%= render :partial => "/storage/grid", :locals => { :table_id => "addstorage_grid",
              :hwpool => nil, :exclude_pool => @hardware_pool.id,
-             :on_select => "false" } %>
+             :on_select => "false", :is_popup => true } %>
 <%= popup_footer("add_storage('#{url_for :controller => 'hardware', 
                                          :action => 'add_storage', 
diff --git a/wui/src/public/stylesheets/facebox.css b/wui/src/public/stylesheets/facebox.css
index 9c120f9..e8268a0 100644
--- a/wui/src/public/stylesheets/facebox.css
+++ b/wui/src/public/stylesheets/facebox.css
@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@
 #facebox .tl, #facebox .tr, #facebox .bl, #facebox .br {
   height: 10px;
   width: 10px;
-  overflow: hidden;
+  overflow: auto;
   padding: 0;

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