[Ovirt-devel] [PATCH server] missing ovirt wui validations (round 1)

Scott Seago sseago at redhat.com
Tue Dec 9 06:13:29 UTC 2008

Mohammed Morsi wrote:
> note this is a review only patch, as I haven't tested it yet
> (or even run it) so there will most likely be syntax and
> other errors
It looks good overall, but a few comments inline...

> Attached is additional validations, added to the rails model
> and controller layers verifying:
>   bondings: arp related fields
>   boot_types: label uniqueness and proto inclusion
>   cpus: various fields are set and min values
>   help_sections: presence and uniqueness of fields
>   hosts: presence and format of various fields
>   ip_addresses: fk existance / integrity
>   nics: mac address format
>   permissions: presence / inclusion of various fields
>   pools: fields requied for tree present
>   quotas: minimum values
>   smart_pool_tags: tagged_id / type fk present
>   storage_pools: type, state field inclusion, min values
>   tasks: various fields present and consistensy maintained
>   usages: label, other fields present, unique
>   vms: uuid of correct format, min values, various fields present
>   can only move host and storage to / from pools when you have
>   sufficient permissions and target entities don't have associated
>   vms
>   can only destroy storage volumes / pools if there are no attached vms
> ---
> diff --git a/src/app/controllers/hardware_controller.rb b/src/app/controllers/hardware_controller.rb
> index 4dda736..a329f90 100644
> --- a/src/app/controllers/hardware_controller.rb
> +++ b/src/app/controllers/hardware_controller.rb
> @@ -285,6 +285,23 @@ class HardwareController < PoolController
>    end
>    def move_hosts
> +    # if vm's present on host, fail
> +    resource_ids_str = params[:resource_ids]
> +    resource_ids_str.split(",").each {|x|
> +       if Host.find(x).vms > 0
> +         render :json => { :success => false,
> +                :alert => "Cannot move hosts currently associated w/ vms" }
> +         return
> +       end
> +    }
> +
To be consistent with the other multi-object actions, it might be 
worthwhile to go ahead and move those VMs that don't ahve hosts and just 
report which ones weren't moved. For a first pass though it may be 
acceptable to abort the action if any in-use hosts are selected, but at 
the least  the error msg should identify which hosts have VMs -- and 
identify all VMs which fail rather than just the first.

> +    # if user doesn't have modify permission on both source and destination
> +    unless @pool.can_modify(@user) and Pool.find(params[:target_pool_id]).can_modify(@user)
> +        render :json => { :success => false,
> +               :alert => "Cannot move hosts without admin permissions on both pools" }
> +        return
> +    end
> +
>      edit_items(Host, :move_hosts, params[:target_pool_id], :move)
>    end
> @@ -293,6 +310,25 @@ class HardwareController < PoolController
>    end
>    def move_storage
> +    # if vm's present on host, fail
> +    resource_ids_str = params[:resource_ids]
> +    resource_ids_str.split(",").each {|x|
> +       StoragePool.find(x).volumes.each { |v|
> +         if v.vms.size > 0
> +           render :json => { :success => false,
> +                  :alert => "Cannot move storage currently associated w/ vms" }
> +           return
> +         end
> +       }
> +    }
As with hosts, we should consider allowing partial success here, and 
whether or not we allow partial success we should report which storage 
pools caused the failure.
> +
> +    # if user doesn't have modify permission on both source and destination
> +    unless @pool.can_modify(@user) and Pool.find(params[:target_pool_id]).can_modify(@user)
> +        render :json => { :success => false,
> +               :alert => "Cannot move storage without admin permissions on both pools" }
> +        return
> +    end
> +
>      edit_items(StoragePool, :move_storage, params[:target_pool_id], :move)
>    end
Similar permissions/usage checks should be made for add_hosts and 
add_storage -- those are essentially the same action as move_hosts and 
move_storage, but the difference is the direction of moving. move_xxx 
moves hosts _from_ here _to_ there, and add_xxx moves hosts _from_ there 
_to_ here.

To avoid having four very similar blocks of code, though, we should 
probablhy add the above checks to edit_items rather than the 4 actions 
that call it. In edit_items you've already got 
resource_ids_str/resource_ids available. The StoragePool/Host class 
you're calling 'find' on is passed in as item_class. The one difficulty 
here would be the "movable" check -- since it's different for hosts and 
storage pools. But this should probably be abstracted out anyway. You 
could add a "movable?" method to host.rb and storage_pool.rb that 
returned vms.empty? for host. For storage_pool the result is a bit more 
complex, since you've also got lvm to consider, but essentially 
storage_pool.movable? should call movable? for each storage volume and 
return false if any fail. storage_volume.movable? would have to check 
vms.empty? as well as whether it had an associated lvm pool -- in the 
latter case it would have to call movable? on the lvm pool.

> diff --git a/src/app/controllers/storage_controller.rb b/src/app/controllers/storage_controller.rb
> index 148d1be..804ba75 100644
> --- a/src/app/controllers/storage_controller.rb
> +++ b/src/app/controllers/storage_controller.rb
> @@ -310,6 +310,14 @@ class StorageController < ApplicationController
>    end
>    def destroy
> +    @storage_pool.volumes.each { |volume|
> +      if volume.vms.size > 0
> +        format.json { render :json => { :object => "storage_pool",
> +            :success => false, :alert => "Cannot delete storage with associated vms" } }
> +        return
> +      end
> +    }
> +
Similar issue here as with moving storage -- we need to consider LVM as 
well -- but the above approach will also help you here.
>      pool = @storage_pool.hardware_pool
>      if @storage_pool.destroy
>        alert="Storage Pool was successfully deleted."

> diff --git a/src/app/models/host.rb b/src/app/models/host.rb
> index 640782d..5328500 100644
> --- a/src/app/models/host.rb
> +++ b/src/app/models/host.rb
> @@ -51,6 +51,27 @@ class Host < ActiveRecord::Base
>                               [ :search_users, 'U', "search_users" ] ],
>                   :eager_load => :smart_pools
> +  validates_presence_of :hardware_pool_id,
> +     :message => 'A hardware pool id must be specified.'
> +
> +  validates_presence_of :uuid,
> +     :message => 'A uuid must be specified.'
> +
> +  validates_format_of :uuid,
> +     :with => %r([a-f0-9]{8}-[a-f0-9]{4}-[a-f0-9]{4}-[a-f0-9]{4}-[a-f0-9]{12})
> +
uuid format check above won't work for hosts, as we're currently using 
the hostname for Host uuids
> +  # validate hostname doesn't contain invalid chars?
> +
> +  # validates presence, format, or inclusion of arch?
> +
Yes we need these too.
> +  validates_inclusion_of :hypervisor_type,
> +     :in => HYPERVISOR_TYPES
> +
> +  validates_inclusion_of :state,
> diff --git a/src/app/models/pool.rb b/src/app/models/pool.rb
> index 7034e79..5cfc947 100644
> --- a/src/app/models/pool.rb
> +++ b/src/app/models/pool.rb
> @@ -52,6 +52,13 @@ class Pool < ActiveRecord::Base
>    validates_presence_of :name
>    validates_uniqueness_of :name, :scope => :parent_id
> +  validates_presence_of :parent_id
> +  validates_presence_of :lft
> +  validates_presence_of :rgt
> +
> +  validates_inclusion_of :type,
> +    :in => %w( DirectoryPool HardwarePool VmResourcePool SmartPool )
> +
>    # overloading this method such that we can use permissions.admins to get all the admins for an object
>    has_many :permissions, :dependent => :destroy, :order => "id ASC" do
>      def super_admins
> diff --git a/src/app/models/storage_volume.rb b/src/app/models/storage_volume.rb
> index 39b72d5..0c05378 100644
> --- a/src/app/models/storage_volume.rb
> +++ b/src/app/models/storage_volume.rb
> @@ -32,6 +32,21 @@ class StorageVolume < ActiveRecord::Base
>      end
>    end
> +  validates_presence_of :storage_pool_id
> +
> +  validates_inclustion_of :state,
> +
> +  validates_numericality_of :size, 
> +     :greater_than_or_equal_to => 0,
> +     :unless => Proc.new { |storage_volume| storage_volume.nil? }
> +
> +  validates_inclusion_of :type,
> +    :in => %w( IscsiStorageVolume LvmStorageVolume NfsStorageVolume )
> +
> +  # FIXME need to validate lun, filename, lv_name, lv_owner_perms,
> +  #   lv_group_perms, lv_mode_perms (which depends on what subclasses?)
> +
Yes these should be validated in their respective subclasses:
lun: iscsi
filename: nfs
lv_*: lvm
>    STATE_PENDING_SETUP    = "pending_setup"
>    STATE_PENDING_DELETION = "pending_deletion"
>    STATE_AVAILABLE        = "available"
> diff --git a/src/app/models/task.rb b/src/app/models/task.rb
> index f231c18..bf5fbbd 100644
> --- a/src/app/models/task.rb
> +++ b/src/app/models/task.rb
> @@ -45,6 +45,16 @@ class Task < ActiveRecord::Base
> +  validates_inclusion_of :type,
> +    :in => %w( HostTask StorageTask StorageVolumeTask VmTask )
> +
> +  validates_inclustion_of :state,
> +
> +  # FIXME validate action depending on type / subclass
> +  # validate task_target_id, task_type_id, arg, message
> +  #   depending on subclass, action, state
> +

>    def cancel
>      self[:state] = STATE_CANCELED
>      save!
> @@ -71,4 +81,10 @@ class Task < ActiveRecord::Base
>      ""
>    end
> +  def validate
> +    errors.add("id", "Parent must be specified") if hardware_pool_id.nil? and vm_resource_pool_id.nil?
hardware_pool_id and vm_resource_pool_id are specified in 
after_initialize, so we probably don't need to explicitly validate it.
> +    errors.add("time_ended", "Tasks ends before its started") unless time_ended > time_started
> +    errors.add("time_started", "Tasks starts before its created") unless time_started > time_created
> +  end
> +
>  e
> diff --git a/src/app/models/vm.rb b/src/app/models/vm.rb
> index 227f343..6038ac6 100644
> --- a/src/app/models/vm.rb
> +++ b/src/app/models/vm.rb
> @@ -34,7 +34,35 @@ class Vm < ActiveRecord::Base
>    validates_presence_of :uuid, :description, :num_vcpus_allocated,
>                          :boot_device, :memory_allocated_in_mb,
> -                        :memory_allocated, :vnic_mac_addr
> +                        :memory_allocated, :vnic_mac_addr,
> +                        :vm_resource_pool_id
> +
> +  validates_format_of :uuid,
> +     :with => %r([a-f0-9]{8}-[a-f0-9]{4}-[a-f0-9]{4}-[a-f0-9]{4}-[a-f0-9]{12})
> +
> +  validates_inclusion_of :state,
> +
RUNNING + DESTROYABLE misses a couple states. The closest thing we have 
to a full state list is EFFECTIVE_STATE.keys, although that hash is 

> +  validates_numericality_of :needs_restart,
> +     :greater_than_or_equal_to => 0,
> +     :less_than_or_equal_to => 1,
> +     :unless => Proc.new{ |vm| vm.needs_restart.nil? }
> +
> +  validates_numericality_of :memory_used,
> +     :greater_than_or_equal_to => 0,
> +     :unless => Proc.new{ |vm| vm.memory_used.nil? }
> +
> +  validates_numericality_of :vnc_port,
> +     :greater_than_or_equal_to => 0,
> +     :unless => Proc.new{ |vm| vm.vnc_port.nil? }
> +
> +  validates_numericality_of :num_vcpus_allocated,
> +     :greater_than_or_equal_to => 0,
> +     :unless => Proc.new{ |vm| vm.num_vcpus_allocated.nil? }
> +
> +  validates_numericality_of :memory_allocated,
> +     :greater_than_or_equal_to => 0,
> +     :unless => Proc.new{ |vm| vm.memory_allocated.nil? }
>    acts_as_xapian :texts => [ :uuid, :description, :vnic_mac_addr, :state ],
>                   :terms => [ [ :search_users, 'U', "search_users" ] ],


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