[Ovirt-devel] [PATCH] includes basic search functionality.

Scott Seago sseago at redhat.com
Wed Jul 30 22:36:32 UTC 2008

For this to work, you've got to have xapian-core and xapian-bindings-ruby installed. The latter is currently only available in updates-testing, but apevec is adding it to the ovirt repo for now. In addition, there's a new migration required here, so you'll nede to run rake db:migrate.

Currently we do a full reindex when restarting mongrel, and incremental index updates are not yet in place. Also missing is permission checking.
I've included basic fields in the search parameters -- we should look through and determine if any additional attributes/associations need to be included.

Also, the styling is _mostly_ consistent with tallen's mockups. Notable differences here:
1) inline search field needs css and possibly a new image.
2) I need "selected" and "unselected" images for the type pulldown -- currently I'm just using a text "X" for selected and   for unselected
3) No "smart" pool column or pulldown, since that functionality is not yet implemented
4) I've added a ranking column to the results
5) details pane works here just like it does for hosts, vms, etc. on other pages.

Signed-off-by: Scott Seago <sseago at redhat.com>
 wui/conf/ovirt-mongrel-rails                       |    3 +-
 wui/ovirt-wui.spec                                 |    6 +
 wui/scripts/ovirt-reindex-search                   |    4 +
 wui/scripts/ovirt-update-search                    |    4 +
 wui/src/app/controllers/search_controller.rb       |  110 ++++
 wui/src/app/models/host.rb                         |   13 +
 wui/src/app/models/pool.rb                         |    8 +
 wui/src/app/models/storage_pool.rb                 |    5 +
 wui/src/app/models/vm.rb                           |    8 +
 wui/src/app/models/vm_resource_pool.rb             |    2 +-
 wui/src/app/views/layouts/_header_redux.rhtml      |    4 +-
 wui/src/app/views/layouts/_navigation_tabs.rhtml   |    4 +
 wui/src/app/views/layouts/_tree.rhtml              |    6 +-
 wui/src/app/views/search/_grid.rhtml               |   40 ++
 wui/src/app/views/search/results.rhtml             |   68 +++
 wui/src/db/migrate/011_create_acts_as_xapian.rb    |   14 +
 wui/src/dutils/active_record_env.rb                |    1 +
 wui/src/vendor/plugins/acts_as_xapian/.gitignore   |    3 +
 wui/src/vendor/plugins/acts_as_xapian/LICENSE.txt  |   21 +
 wui/src/vendor/plugins/acts_as_xapian/README.txt   |  236 ++++++++
 .../acts_as_xapian/generators/acts_as_xapian/USAGE |    1 +
 .../acts_as_xapian/acts_as_xapian_generator.rb     |   13 +
 .../acts_as_xapian/templates/migration.rb          |   14 +
 wui/src/vendor/plugins/acts_as_xapian/init.rb      |    9 +
 .../plugins/acts_as_xapian/lib/acts_as_xapian.rb   |  629 ++++++++++++++++++++
 .../plugins/acts_as_xapian/tasks/xapian.rake       |   43 ++
 26 files changed, 1262 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-)
 create mode 100755 wui/scripts/ovirt-reindex-search
 create mode 100755 wui/scripts/ovirt-update-search
 create mode 100644 wui/src/app/controllers/search_controller.rb
 create mode 100644 wui/src/app/views/search/_grid.rhtml
 create mode 100644 wui/src/app/views/search/results.rhtml
 create mode 100644 wui/src/db/migrate/011_create_acts_as_xapian.rb
 create mode 100644 wui/src/vendor/plugins/acts_as_xapian/.gitignore
 create mode 100644 wui/src/vendor/plugins/acts_as_xapian/LICENSE.txt
 create mode 100644 wui/src/vendor/plugins/acts_as_xapian/README.txt
 create mode 100644 wui/src/vendor/plugins/acts_as_xapian/generators/acts_as_xapian/USAGE
 create mode 100644 wui/src/vendor/plugins/acts_as_xapian/generators/acts_as_xapian/acts_as_xapian_generator.rb
 create mode 100644 wui/src/vendor/plugins/acts_as_xapian/generators/acts_as_xapian/templates/migration.rb
 create mode 100644 wui/src/vendor/plugins/acts_as_xapian/init.rb
 create mode 100644 wui/src/vendor/plugins/acts_as_xapian/lib/acts_as_xapian.rb
 create mode 100644 wui/src/vendor/plugins/acts_as_xapian/tasks/xapian.rake

diff --git a/wui/conf/ovirt-mongrel-rails b/wui/conf/ovirt-mongrel-rails
index 9c770ac..7cfaf2d 100755
--- a/wui/conf/ovirt-mongrel-rails
+++ b/wui/conf/ovirt-mongrel-rails
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ PREFIX="${PREFIX:-/ovirt}"
 . /etc/init.d/functions
@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ RETVAL=0
 start() {
     echo -n "Starting ovirt-mongrel-rails: "
 	-a $ADDR -e $RAILS_ENVIRONMENT --user $USER --group $GROUP \
 	-d --prefix=$PREFIX
diff --git a/wui/ovirt-wui.spec b/wui/ovirt-wui.spec
index 9ed33ca..9dda52a 100644
--- a/wui/ovirt-wui.spec
+++ b/wui/ovirt-wui.spec
@@ -21,6 +21,8 @@ Requires: rubygem(krb5-auth) >= 0.6
 Requires: ruby-gettext-package
 Requires: postgresql-server
 Requires: ruby-postgres
+Requires: xapian-bindings-ruby
+Requires: xapian-core
 Requires: pwgen
 Requires: httpd >= 2.0
 Requires: mod_auth_kerb
@@ -99,6 +101,8 @@ touch %{buildroot}%{_localstatedir}/log/%{name}/host-status.log
 %{__cp} -a %{pbuild}/scripts/ovirt-add-host %{buildroot}%{_bindir}
 %{__cp} -a %{pbuild}/scripts/ovirt-wui-install %{buildroot}%{_sbindir}
+%{__cp} -a %{pbuild}/scripts/ovirt-reindex-search %{buildroot}%{_sbindir}
+%{__cp} -a %{pbuild}/scripts/ovirt-update-search %{buildroot}%{_sbindir}
 %{__rm} -rf %{buildroot}%{app_root}/tmp 
 %{__mkdir} %{buildroot}%{_localstatedir}/lib/%{name}/tmp
 %{__ln_s} %{_localstatedir}/lib/%{name}/tmp %{buildroot}%{app_root}/tmp
@@ -158,6 +162,8 @@ fi
diff --git a/wui/scripts/ovirt-reindex-search b/wui/scripts/ovirt-reindex-search
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..9fef717
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wui/scripts/ovirt-reindex-search
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+MODELS="Host Vm IscsiStoragePool NfsStoragePool HardwarePool VmResourcePool"
+rake -f $RAKEFILE xapian:rebuild_index models="$MODELS"
diff --git a/wui/scripts/ovirt-update-search b/wui/scripts/ovirt-update-search
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..b6add27
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wui/scripts/ovirt-update-search
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+MODELS="Host Vm IscsiStoragePool NfsStoragePool HardwarePool VmResourcePool"
+rake -f $RAKEFILE xapian:update_index models="$MODELS"
diff --git a/wui/src/app/controllers/search_controller.rb b/wui/src/app/controllers/search_controller.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ca4fbb1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wui/src/app/controllers/search_controller.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2008 Red Hat, Inc.
+# Written by Scott Seago <sseago at redhat.com>
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston,
+# MA  02110-1301, USA.  A copy of the GNU General Public License is
+# also available at http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html.
+class SearchController < ApplicationController
+  MODELS = {"HardwarePool"     => {:controller => "hardware",
+                                   :show_action => "quick_summary"},
+            "VmResourcePool"   => {:controller => "resources",
+                                   :show_action => "quick_summary"},
+            "Host"             => {:controller => "host",
+                                   :show_action => "show"},
+            "Vm"               => {:controller => "vm",
+                                   :show_action => "show"},
+            "IscsiStoragePool" => {:controller => "storage",
+                                   :show_action => "show"},
+            "NfsStoragePool"   => {:controller => "storage",
+                                 :show_action => "show"}}
+  MULTI_TYPE_MODELS = {"StoragePool" => ["IscsiStoragePool", "NfsStoragePool"]}
+  def single_result
+    class_and_id = params[:class_and_id].split("_")
+    redirect_to :controller => MODELS[class_and_id[0]][:controller],
+                :action => MODELS[class_and_id[0]][:show_action],
+                :id => class_and_id[1]
+  end
+  def results_internal
+    @terms = params[:terms]
+    @model_param = params[:model]
+    @model_param ||= ""
+    if @model_param == ""
+      @models = MODELS.keys
+    else
+      @models = MULTI_TYPE_MODELS[@model_param]
+      @models ||= [@model_param]
+    end
+    @user = get_login_user
+    @page = params[:page].to_i
+    @page ||= 1
+    @per_page = params[:rp].to_i
+    @per_page ||= 20
+    @offset = (@page-1)*@per_page
+    @results = ActsAsXapian::Search.new(@models,
+                                        @terms,
+                                       :offset => @offset,
+                                       :limit => @per_page,
+                                       :sort_by_prefix => nil,
+                                       :collapse_by_prefix => nil)
+    #FIXME filter on permissions
+  end
+  def results
+    results_internal
+    @types = [["Hardware Pools", "HardwarePool"],
+              ["Virtual Machine Pools", "VmResourcePool"],
+              ["Hosts", "Host"],
+              ["VMs", "Vm"],
+              ["Storage Pools", "StoragePool", "break"],
+              ["Show All", ""]]
+  end
+  def results_json
+    results_internal
+    json_hash = {}
+    json_hash[:page] = @page
+    json_hash[:total] = @results.matches_estimated
+    json_hash[:rows] = @results.results.collect do |result|
+      item_hash = {}
+      item = result[:model]
+      item_hash[:id] = item.class.name+"_"+item.id.to_s
+      item_hash[:cell] = ["display_name", "display_class"].collect do |attr|
+        if attr.is_a? Array
+          value = item
+          attr.each { |attr_item| value = value.send(attr_item)}
+          value
+        else
+          item.send(attr)
+        end
+      end
+      item_hash[:cell] << result[:percent]
+      item_hash
+    end
+    render :json => json_hash.to_json
+  end
diff --git a/wui/src/app/models/host.rb b/wui/src/app/models/host.rb
index 80acaeb..33a5fa1 100644
--- a/wui/src/app/models/host.rb
+++ b/wui/src/app/models/host.rb
@@ -40,6 +40,12 @@ class Host < ActiveRecord::Base
+  acts_as_xapian :texts => [ :hostname, :uuid ],
+                 :values => [ [ :created_at, 0, "created_at", :date ],
+                              [ :updated_at, 1, "updated_at", :date ] ],
+                 :terms => [ [ :hostname, 'H', "hostname" ] ]
   STATE_UNAVAILABLE = "unavailable"
@@ -75,4 +81,11 @@ class Host < ActiveRecord::Base
   def cpu_speed
     "FIX ME!"
+  def display_name
+    hostname
+  end
+  def display_class
+    "Host"
+  end
diff --git a/wui/src/app/models/pool.rb b/wui/src/app/models/pool.rb
index 4a21c4a..4aa240b 100644
--- a/wui/src/app/models/pool.rb
+++ b/wui/src/app/models/pool.rb
@@ -75,6 +75,8 @@ class Pool < ActiveRecord::Base
+  acts_as_xapian :texts => [ :name ]
   # this method lists pools with direct permission grants, but does not 
   # include implied permissions (i.e. subtrees)
   def self.list_for_user(user, privilege)
@@ -225,6 +227,12 @@ class Pool < ActiveRecord::Base
     obj.send(method, *args)
+  def display_name
+    name
+  end
+  def display_class
+    get_type_label
+  end
   def traverse_parents
     if id
diff --git a/wui/src/app/models/storage_pool.rb b/wui/src/app/models/storage_pool.rb
index a135047..39b6a08 100644
--- a/wui/src/app/models/storage_pool.rb
+++ b/wui/src/app/models/storage_pool.rb
@@ -32,6 +32,7 @@ class StoragePool < ActiveRecord::Base
   validates_presence_of :ip_addr, :hardware_pool_id
+  acts_as_xapian :texts => [ :ip_addr, :target, :export_path ]
   ISCSI = "iSCSI"
   NFS   = "NFS"
   STORAGE_TYPES = { ISCSI => "Iscsi",
@@ -55,4 +56,8 @@ class StoragePool < ActiveRecord::Base
   def get_type_label
     STORAGE_TYPES.invert[self.class.name.gsub("StoragePool", "")]
+  def display_class
+    "Storage Pool"
+  end
diff --git a/wui/src/app/models/vm.rb b/wui/src/app/models/vm.rb
index b607886..34d5bf4 100644
--- a/wui/src/app/models/vm.rb
+++ b/wui/src/app/models/vm.rb
@@ -31,6 +31,8 @@ class Vm < ActiveRecord::Base
   validates_presence_of :uuid, :description, :num_vcpus_allocated,
                         :memory_allocated_in_mb, :memory_allocated, :vnic_mac_addr
+  acts_as_xapian :texts => [ :uuid, :description, :vnic_mac_addr, :state ]
   BOOT_DEV_HD          = "hd"
   BOOT_DEV_NETWORK     = "network"
   BOOT_DEV_CDROM       = "cdrom"
@@ -185,6 +187,12 @@ class Vm < ActiveRecord::Base
     (state == Vm::STATE_RUNNING ) and host and vnc_port
+  def display_name
+    description
+  end
+  def display_class
+    "VM"
+  end
   def validate
     resources = vm_resource_pool.max_resources_for_vm(self)
diff --git a/wui/src/app/models/vm_resource_pool.rb b/wui/src/app/models/vm_resource_pool.rb
index de8bcb3..d3f7d43 100644
--- a/wui/src/app/models/vm_resource_pool.rb
+++ b/wui/src/app/models/vm_resource_pool.rb
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
 class VmResourcePool < Pool
   def get_type_label
-    "Hardware Pool"
+    "Virtual Machine Pool"
   def get_controller
     return 'resources' 
diff --git a/wui/src/app/views/layouts/_header_redux.rhtml b/wui/src/app/views/layouts/_header_redux.rhtml
index 6dbf0d0..18014ab 100644
--- a/wui/src/app/views/layouts/_header_redux.rhtml
+++ b/wui/src/app/views/layouts/_header_redux.rhtml
@@ -2,8 +2,8 @@
 <div class="header_info">
   <div id="hi-username">Hi, <%= @user %></div>
-  <form id="search-form" action="globalSearch.jspa">
-    <input id="textfield_effect" name="q" value="Search" onkeypress="" onfocus="if( this.value == this.defaultValue ) this.value='';" type="text">
+  <form method="POST" id="search-form" action="<%= url_for :controller => "search", :action => 'results' %>">
+    <input id="textfield_effect" name="terms" value="Search" onkeypress="" onfocus="if( this.value == this.defaultValue ) this.value='';" type="text">
     <input id="searchbox-button" src="<%= image_path "icon_search.png"%>" title="Search" type="image">  |
   <a id="help-link" href="#" ><%= image_tag "icon_help.png" %></a> <!-- FIXME wire link correctly -->
diff --git a/wui/src/app/views/layouts/_navigation_tabs.rhtml b/wui/src/app/views/layouts/_navigation_tabs.rhtml
index 0db49b6..771958c 100644
--- a/wui/src/app/views/layouts/_navigation_tabs.rhtml
+++ b/wui/src/app/views/layouts/_navigation_tabs.rhtml
@@ -28,4 +28,8 @@
     <li id="nav_vmpool"> <%= link_to "Virtual Machines", {:action => 'show_vms', :id => @vm_resource_pool.id, :nolayout => :true}, :title => "content area" %></li>
     <li id="nav_access"> <%= link_to "User Access", {:action => 'show_users', :id => @vm_resource_pool.id, :nolayout => :true}, :title => "content area" %></li>
+<% elsif controller.controller_name == "search"  %>
+  <ul id="resources_nav_tabs" class="ui-tabs-nav">
+    <li id="nav_search" class="ui-tabs-selected"><a href="#">Search Results</a></li>
+  </ul>
 <% end %>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/wui/src/app/views/layouts/_tree.rhtml b/wui/src/app/views/layouts/_tree.rhtml
index 182c1b1..8b996cc 100644
--- a/wui/src/app/views/layouts/_tree.rhtml
+++ b/wui/src/app/views/layouts/_tree.rhtml
@@ -19,9 +19,9 @@
             hardware_url: "<%=  url_for :controller =>'/hardware', :action => 'show' %>",
             resource_url: "<%=  url_for :controller =>'/resources', :action => 'show' %>"
-        $('#test-tree').everyTime(10000,function(){
-          load(tree_reload, {}, this, this);
-        })
+        //$('#test-tree').everyTime(10000,function(){
+        //  load(tree_reload, {}, this, this);
+        //})
diff --git a/wui/src/app/views/search/_grid.rhtml b/wui/src/app/views/search/_grid.rhtml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6de9074
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wui/src/app/views/search/_grid.rhtml
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+<% per_page = 40 %>
+<div id="<%= table_id %>_div">
+<%= '<form id="#{table_id}_form">' if checkboxes %>
+<table id="<%= table_id %>" style="display:none"></table>
+<%= '</form>' if checkboxes %>
+<script type="text/javascript">
+    $("#<%= table_id %>").flexigrid
+    (
+    {
+    url: '<%=  url_for :controller => "search",
+                       :action => "results_json" %>',
+    params: [{name: "terms", value: '<%=terms%>'},
+             {name: "model", value: '<%=model%>'},
+             {name: "checkboxes", value: <%=checkboxes%>}],
+    dataType: 'json',
+    colModel : [
+        <%= "{display: '', width : 20, align: 'left', process: #{table_id}checkbox}," if checkboxes %>
+        {display: 'Name', width : 200, align: 'left'},
+        {display: 'Type', width : 120, align: 'left'},
+        {display: 'Rank', width : 60, align: 'left'}
+	],
+    //sortname: "hostname",
+    //sortorder: "asc",
+    usepager: true,
+    useRp: true,
+    rp: <%= per_page %>,
+    showTableToggleBtn: true,
+    onSelect: <%= on_select %>,
+    onDeselect: false,
+    onHover: false,
+    onUnhover: false
+    }
+    );
+    function <%= table_id %>checkbox(celDiv)
+    {
+        $(celDiv).html('<input class="grid_checkbox" type="checkbox" name="grid_checkbox'+$(celDiv).html()+'" value="'+$(celDiv).html()+'"/>');
+    }
diff --git a/wui/src/app/views/search/results.rhtml b/wui/src/app/views/search/results.rhtml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a7641b7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wui/src/app/views/search/results.rhtml
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+<div id="toolbar_nav">
+<form method="POST" id="search-form" action="<%= url_for :controller => "search", :action => 'results' %>">
+    <li>
+      <input id="searchform-field" name="terms" value="<%=@terms%>" onkeypress="" type="text">
+      <input id="searchform-button" src="<%= image_path "icon_search.png"%>" title="Search" type="image">
+      <input id="searchform-model" type="hidden" name="model" value="<%=@model_param%>">
+    </li>
+    <li>
+       <%= image_tag "icon_move.png", :style => "vertical-align:middle;" %>  Actions    <%= image_tag "icon_toolbar_arrow.gif", :style => "vertical-align:middle;" %>
+       <ul>
+        <% @types.each_index { |index| %>
+<!-- for each button we need to submit current form with "model" set to @types[index][1] --!>
+            <li onclick="$('#searchform-model').val('<%=@types[index][1]%>'); $('#searchform-button').click();"
+            <% if (index == @types.length - 1) or @types[index].length == 3 %>
+                style="border-bottom: 1px solid #CCCCCC;"
+            <% end %>
+               >
+<!--                 < % = image_tag ... -->
+                 <%=  @model_param == @types[index][1] ? "X" : "  " %>
+                 <%=@types[index][0]%>
+            </li>
+        <% } %>
+       </ul>
+    </li>
+<script type="text/javascript">
+  function results_select(selected_rows)
+  {
+    var selected_ids = new Array()
+    for(i=0; i<selected_rows.length; i++) {
+      selected_ids[i] = selected_rows[i].id;
+    }
+    if (selected_ids.length == 1)
+    {
+      $('#results_selection').load('<%= url_for :controller => "search", :action => "single_result" %>',
+                { class_and_id: selected_ids[0].substring(3)})
+    }
+  }
+<div class="panel_header"></div>
+ <% if @results.matches_estimated != 0 %>
+   <div class="data_section">
+      <%= render :partial => "/search/grid", :locals => { :table_id => "search_grid",
+                                                        :terms => @terms,
+                                                        :model => @model_param,
+                                                        :checkboxes => false,
+                                                        :on_select => "results_select" } %>
+   </div>
+   <div class="selection_detail" id="results_selection">
+     <div class="selection_left">
+       <div>Select an item above.</div>
+     </div>
+   </div>
+<% else %>
+   <div class="data_section">
+       <div class="no-grid-items">
+          <%= image_tag 'no-grid-items.png', :style => 'float: left;' %>
+          <div class="no-grid-items-text">
+            No results found. <br/><br/>
+          </div>
+       </div>
+   </div>
+<% end %>
diff --git a/wui/src/db/migrate/011_create_acts_as_xapian.rb b/wui/src/db/migrate/011_create_acts_as_xapian.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..84a9dd7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wui/src/db/migrate/011_create_acts_as_xapian.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+class CreateActsAsXapian < ActiveRecord::Migration
+  def self.up
+    create_table :acts_as_xapian_jobs do |t|
+      t.column :model, :string, :null => false
+      t.column :model_id, :integer, :null => false
+      t.column :action, :string, :null => false
+    end
+    add_index :acts_as_xapian_jobs, [:model, :model_id], :unique => true
+  end
+  def self.down
+    drop_table :acts_as_xapian_jobs
+  end
diff --git a/wui/src/dutils/active_record_env.rb b/wui/src/dutils/active_record_env.rb
index 72feb89..9b7b416 100644
--- a/wui/src/dutils/active_record_env.rb
+++ b/wui/src/dutils/active_record_env.rb
@@ -36,6 +36,7 @@ require 'erb'
 OVIRT_DIR = "/usr/share/ovirt-wui"
 require "#{OVIRT_DIR}/vendor/plugins/betternestedset/init.rb"
+require "#{OVIRT_DIR}/vendor/plugins/acts_as_xapian/lib/acts_as_xapian"
 def database_connect
   $dbconfig = YAML::load(ERB.new(IO.read("#{OVIRT_DIR}/config/database.yml")).result)
diff --git a/wui/src/vendor/plugins/acts_as_xapian/.gitignore b/wui/src/vendor/plugins/acts_as_xapian/.gitignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3fad9cc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wui/src/vendor/plugins/acts_as_xapian/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
diff --git a/wui/src/vendor/plugins/acts_as_xapian/LICENSE.txt b/wui/src/vendor/plugins/acts_as_xapian/LICENSE.txt
new file mode 100644
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+++ b/wui/src/vendor/plugins/acts_as_xapian/LICENSE.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+acts_as_xapian is released under the MIT License.
+Copyright (c) 2008 UK Citizens Online Democracy.
+Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
+of the acts_as_xapian software and associated documentation files (the
+"Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without
+limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute,
+sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom
+the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
+copies or substantial portions of the Software.
diff --git a/wui/src/vendor/plugins/acts_as_xapian/README.txt b/wui/src/vendor/plugins/acts_as_xapian/README.txt
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+Do patch this file if there is documentation missing / wrong. It's called
+README.txt and is in git, using Textile formatting. The wiki page is just
+copied from the README.txt file.
+* a. Introduction to acts_as_xapian
+* b. Installation
+* c. Comparison to acts_as_solr (as on 24 April 2008)
+* d. Documentation - indexing
+* e. Documentation - querying
+* f. Support
+a. Introduction to acts_as_xapian
+"Xapian":http://www.xapian.org is a full text search engine library which has
+Ruby bindings. acts_as_xapian adds support for it to Rails. It is an
+alternative to acts_as_solr, acts_as_ferret, Ultrasphinx, acts_as_indexed,
+acts_as_searchable or acts_as_tsearch.
+acts_as_xapian is deployed in production on these websites.
+* "WhatDoTheyKnow":http://www.whatdotheyknow.com
+* "MindBites":http://www.mindbites.com
+The section "c. Comparison to acts_as_solr" below will give you an idea of
+acts_as_xapian's features.
+acts_as_xapian was started by Francis Irving in May 2008 for search and email
+alerts in WhatDoTheyKnow, and so was supported by "mySociety":http://www.mysociety.org
+and initially paid for by the "JRSST Charitable Trust":http://www.jrrt.org.uk/jrsstct.htm
+b. Installation
+Retrieve the plugin directly from the git version control system by running
+this command within your Rails app.
+    git clone git://github.com/frabcus/acts_as_xapian.git vendor/plugins/acts_as_xapian
+Xapian 1.0.5 and associated Ruby bindings are also required.
+Debian or Ubuntu - install the packages libxapian15 and libxapian-ruby1.8.
+Mac OSX - follow the instructions for installing from source on
+the "Installing Xapian":http://xapian.org/docs/install.html page - you need the
+Xapian library and bindings (you don't need Omega).
+There is no Ruby Gem for Xapian, it would be great if you could make one!
+c. Comparison to acts_as_solr (as on 24 April 2008)
+* Offline indexing only mode - which is a minus if you want changes
+immediately reflected in the search index, and a plus if you were going to
+have to implement your own offline indexing anyway.
+* Collapsing - the equivalent of SQL's "group by". You can specify a field
+to collapse on, and only the most relevant result from each value of that
+field is returned. Along with a count of how many there are in total.
+acts_as_solr doesn't have this.
+* No highlighting - Xapian can't return you text highlighted with a search
+query. You can try and make do with TextHelper::highlight (combined with
+words_to_highlight below). I found the highlighting in acts_as_solr didn't
+really understand the query anyway.
+* Date range searching - this exists in acts_as_solr, but I found it
+wasn't documented well enough, and was hard to get working.
+* Spelling correction - "did you mean?" built in and just works.
+* Similar documents - acts_as_xapian has a simple command to find other models
+that are like a specified model.
+* Multiple models - acts_as_xapian searches multiple types of model if you
+like, returning them mixed up together by relevancy. This is like
+multi_solr_search, only it is the default mode of operation and is properly
+* No daemons - However, if you have more than one web server, you'll need to
+work out how to use "Xapian's remote backend":http://xapian.org/docs/remote.html.
+* One layer - full-powered Xapian is called directly from the Ruby, without
+Solr getting in the way whenever you want to use a new feature from Lucene.
+* No Java - an advantage if you're more used to working in the rest of the
+open source world. acts_as_xapian, it's pure Ruby and C++.
+* Xapian's awesome email list - the kids over at
+are super helpful. Useful if you need to extend and improve acts_as_xapian. The
+Ruby bindings are mature and well maintained as part of Xapian.
+d. Documentation - indexing
+Xapian is an *offline indexing* search library - only one process can have the
+Xapian database open for writing at once, and others that try meanwhile are
+unceremoniously kicked out. For this reason, acts_as_xapian does not support
+immediate writing to the database when your models change.
+Instead, there is a ActsAsXapianJob model which stores which models need
+updating or deleting in the search index. A rake task 'xapian:update_index'
+then performs the updates since last change. You can run it on a cron job, or
+Here's how to add indexing to your Rails app:
+1. Put acts_as_xapian in your models that need search indexing. e.g.
+    acts_as_xapian :texts => [ :name, :short_name ],
+       :values => [ [ :created_at, 0, "created_at", :date ] ],
+       :terms => [ [ :variety, 'V', "variety" ] ]
+Options must include:
+* :texts, an array of fields for indexing with full text search.
+e.g. :texts => [ :title, :body ]
+* :values, things which have a range of values for sorting, or for collapsing.
+Specify an array quadruple of [ field, identifier, prefix, type ] where
+** identifier is an arbitary numeric identifier for use in the Xapian database
+** prefix is the part to use in search queries that goes before the :
+** type can be any of :string, :number or :date
+e.g. :values => [ [ :created_at, 0, "created_at", :date ],
+[ :size, 1, "size", :string ] ]
+* :terms, things which come with a prefix (before a :) in search queries.
+Specify an array triple of [ field, char, prefix ] where
+** char is an arbitary single upper case char used in the Xapian database, just
+pick any single uppercase character, but use a different one for each prefix.
+** prefix is the part to use in search queries that goes before the :
+For example, if you were making Google and indexing to be able to later do a
+query like "site:www.whatdotheyknow.com", then the prefix would be "site".
+e.g. :terms => [ [ :variety, 'V', "variety" ] ]
+A 'field' is a symbol referring to either an attribute or a function which
+returns the text, date or number to index. Both 'identifier' and 'char' must be
+the same for the same prefix in different models.
+* :instead_index, a field which refers to another model that should be reindexed
+         instead of this one.
+Options may include:
+* :eager_load, added as an :include clause when looking up search results in
+* :if, either an attribute or a function which if returns false means the
+object isn't indexed
+2. Generate a database migration to create the ActsAsXapianJob model:
+    script/generate acts_as_xapian
+    rake db:migrate
+3. Call 'rake xapian:rebuild_index models="ModelName1 ModelName2"' to build the index
+the first time (you must specify all your indexed models). It's put in a
+development/test/production dir in acts_as_xapian/xapiandbs.
+4. Then from a cron job or a daemon, or by hand regularly!, call 'rake xapian:update_index'
+e. Documentation - querying
+Testing indexing
+If you just want to test indexing is working, you'll find this rake task
+useful (it has more options, see tasks/xapian.rake)
+    rake xapian:query models="PublicBody User" query="moo"
+Performing a query
+To perform a query from code call ActsAsXapian::Search.new. This takes in turn:
+* model_classes - list of models to search, e.g. [PublicBody, InfoRequestEvent]
+* query_string - Google like syntax, see below
+And then a hash of options:
+* :offset - Offset of first result (default 0)
+* :limit - Number of results per page (default -1, all)
+* :sort_by_prefix - Optionally, prefix of value to sort by, otherwise sort by relevance
+* :sort_by_ascending - Default true, set to false for descending sort
+* :collapse_by_prefix - Optionally, prefix of value to collapse by (i.e. only return most relevant result from group)
+Google like query syntax is as described in
+    "Xapian::QueryParser Syntax":http://www.xapian.org/docs/queryparser.html
+Queries can include prefix:value parts, according to what you indexed in the
+acts_as_xapian part above. You can also say things like model:InfoRequestEvent
+to constrain by model in more complex ways than the :model parameter, or
+modelid:InfoRequestEvent-100 to only find one specific object.
+Returns an ActsAsXapian::Search object. Useful methods are:
+* description - a techy one, to check how the query has been parsed
+* matches_estimated - a guesstimate at the total number of hits
+* spelling_correction - the corrected query string if there is a correction, otherwise nil
+* words_to_highlight - list of words for you to highlight, perhaps with TextHelper::highlight
+* results - an array of hashes each containing:
+** :model - your Rails model, this is what you most want!
+** :weight - relevancy measure
+** :percent - the weight as a %, 0 meaning the item did not match the query at all
+** :collapse_count - number of results with the same prefix, if you specified collapse_by_prefix
+Finding similar models
+To find models that are similar to a given set of models call ActsAsXapian::Similar.new. This takes:
+* model_classes - list of model classes to return models from within
+* models - list of models that you want to find related ones to
+Returns an ActsAsXapian::Similar object. Has all methods from ActsAsXapian::Search above, except
+for words_to_highlight. In addition has:
+* important_terms - the terms extracted from the input models, that were used to search for output
+You need the results methods to get the similar models.
+f. Support
+Please ask any questions on the
+"acts_as_xapian Google Group":http://groups.google.com/group/acts_as_xapian
+The official home page and repository for acts_as_xapian are the
+"acts_as_xapian github page":http://github.com/frabcus/acts_as_xapian/wikis
+For more details about anything, see source code in lib/acts_as_xapian.rb
diff --git a/wui/src/vendor/plugins/acts_as_xapian/generators/acts_as_xapian/USAGE b/wui/src/vendor/plugins/acts_as_xapian/generators/acts_as_xapian/USAGE
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/wui/src/vendor/plugins/acts_as_xapian/generators/acts_as_xapian/USAGE
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+./script/generate acts_as_xapian
diff --git a/wui/src/vendor/plugins/acts_as_xapian/generators/acts_as_xapian/acts_as_xapian_generator.rb b/wui/src/vendor/plugins/acts_as_xapian/generators/acts_as_xapian/acts_as_xapian_generator.rb
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+++ b/wui/src/vendor/plugins/acts_as_xapian/generators/acts_as_xapian/acts_as_xapian_generator.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+class ActsAsXapianGenerator < Rails::Generator::Base
+  def manifest
+    record do |m|
+      m.migration_template 'migration.rb', 'db/migrate',
+        :migration_file_name => "create_acts_as_xapian"
+    end
+  end
+  protected
+    def banner
+      "Usage: #{$0} acts_as_xapian"
+    end
diff --git a/wui/src/vendor/plugins/acts_as_xapian/generators/acts_as_xapian/templates/migration.rb b/wui/src/vendor/plugins/acts_as_xapian/generators/acts_as_xapian/templates/migration.rb
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/wui/src/vendor/plugins/acts_as_xapian/generators/acts_as_xapian/templates/migration.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+class CreateActsAsXapian < ActiveRecord::Migration
+  def self.up
+    create_table :acts_as_xapian_jobs do |t|
+      t.column :model, :string, :null => false
+      t.column :model_id, :integer, :null => false
+      t.column :action, :string, :null => false
+    end
+    add_index :acts_as_xapian_jobs, [:model, :model_id], :unique => true
+  end
+  def self.down
+    drop_table :acts_as_xapian_jobs
+  end
diff --git a/wui/src/vendor/plugins/acts_as_xapian/init.rb b/wui/src/vendor/plugins/acts_as_xapian/init.rb
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+++ b/wui/src/vendor/plugins/acts_as_xapian/init.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+# acts_as_xapian/init.rb:
+# Copyright (c) 2008 UK Citizens Online Democracy. All rights reserved.
+# Email: francis at mysociety.org; WWW: http://www.mysociety.org/
+# $Id: init.rb,v 1.1 2008/04/23 13:33:50 francis Exp $
+require 'acts_as_xapian'
diff --git a/wui/src/vendor/plugins/acts_as_xapian/lib/acts_as_xapian.rb b/wui/src/vendor/plugins/acts_as_xapian/lib/acts_as_xapian.rb
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/wui/src/vendor/plugins/acts_as_xapian/lib/acts_as_xapian.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,629 @@
+# acts_as_xapian/lib/acts_as_xapian.rb:
+# Xapian full text search in Ruby on Rails.
+# Copyright (c) 2008 UK Citizens Online Democracy. All rights reserved.
+# Email: francis at mysociety.org; WWW: http://www.mysociety.org/
+# Documentation
+# =============
+# See ../README.txt foocumentation. Please update that file if you edit
+# code.
+# Make it so if Xapian isn't installed, the Rails app doesn't fail completely,
+# just when somebody does a search.
+    require 'xapian'
+    $acts_as_xapian_bindings_available = true
+rescue LoadError
+    STDERR.puts "acts_as_xapian: No Ruby bindings for Xapian installed"
+    $acts_as_xapian_bindings_available = false
+module ActsAsXapian
+    ######################################################################
+    # Module level variables
+    # XXX must be some kind of cattr_accessor that can do this better
+    def ActsAsXapian.bindings_available
+        $acts_as_xapian_bindings_available
+    end
+    class NoXapianRubyBindingsError < StandardError
+    end
+    def ActsAsXapian.db_path
+        @@db_path
+    end
+    # XXX global class intializers here get loaded more than once, don't know why. Protect them.
+    if not $acts_as_xapian_class_var_init
+        @@db = nil
+        @@writable_db = nil
+        @@writable_suffix = nil
+        @@init_values = []
+        $acts_as_xapian_class_var_init = true
+    end
+    def ActsAsXapian.db
+        @@db
+    end
+    def ActsAsXapian.writable_db
+        @@writable_db
+    end
+    def ActsAsXapian.stemmer
+        @@stemmer
+    end
+    def ActsAsXapian.term_generator
+        @@term_generator
+    end
+    def ActsAsXapian.enquire
+        @@enquire
+    end
+    def ActsAsXapian.query_parser
+        @@query_parser
+    end
+    def ActsAsXapian.values_by_prefix
+        @@values_by_prefix
+    end
+    ######################################################################
+    # Initialisation
+    def ActsAsXapian.init(classname = nil, options = nil)
+        if not classname.nil?
+            # store class and options for use later, when we open the db in readable_init
+            @@init_values.push([classname,options])
+        end
+        # make the directory for the xapian databases to go in
+        db_parent_path = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '../xapiandbs/')
+        Dir.mkdir(db_parent_path) unless File.exists?(db_parent_path)
+        raise "Set RAILS_ENV, so acts_as_xapian can find the right Xapian database" if not ENV['RAILS_ENV']
+        @@db_path = File.join(db_parent_path, ENV['RAILS_ENV'])
+        # make some things that don't depend on the db
+        # XXX this gets made once for each acts_as_xapian. Oh well.
+        @@stemmer = Xapian::Stem.new('english')
+    end
+    # Opens / reopens the db for reading
+    # XXX we perhaps don't need to rebuild database and enquire and queryparser -
+    # but db.reopen wasn't enough by itself, so just do everything it's easier.
+    def ActsAsXapian.readable_init
+        raise NoXapianRubyBindingsError.new("Xapian Ruby bindings not installed") unless ActsAsXapian.bindings_available
+        # basic Xapian objects
+        begin
+            @@db = Xapian::Database.new(@@db_path)
+            @@enquire = Xapian::Enquire.new(@@db)
+        rescue IOError
+            raise "Xapian database not opened; have you built it with scripts/rebuild-xapian-index ?"
+        end
+        init_query_parser
+    end
+    # Make a new query parser
+    def ActsAsXapian.init_query_parser
+        # for queries
+        @@query_parser = Xapian::QueryParser.new
+        @@query_parser.stemmer = @@stemmer
+        @@query_parser.stemming_strategy = Xapian::QueryParser::STEM_SOME
+        @@query_parser.database = @@db
+        @@query_parser.default_op = Xapian::Query::OP_AND
+        @@terms_by_capital = {}
+        @@values_by_number = {}
+        @@values_by_prefix = {}
+        @@value_ranges_store = []
+        for init_value_pair in @@init_values
+            classname = init_value_pair[0]
+            options = init_value_pair[1]
+            # go through the various field types, and tell query parser about them,
+            # and error check them - i.e. check for consistency between models
+            @@query_parser.add_boolean_prefix("model", "M")
+            @@query_parser.add_boolean_prefix("modelid", "I")
+            if options[:terms]
+              for term in options[:terms]
+                  raise "Use a single capital letter for term code" if not term[1].match(/^[A-Z]$/)
+                  raise "M and I are reserved for use as the model/id term" if term[1] == "M" or term[1] == "I"
+                  raise "model and modelid are reserved for use as the model/id prefixes" if term[2] == "model" or term[2] == "modelid"
+                  raise "Z is reserved for stemming terms" if term[1] == "Z"
+                  raise "Already have code '" + term[1] + "' in another model but with different prefix '" + @@terms_by_capital[term[1]] + "'" if @@terms_by_capital.include?(term[1]) && @@terms_by_capital[term[1]] != term[2]
+                  @@terms_by_capital[term[1]] = term[2]
+                  @@query_parser.add_boolean_prefix(term[2], term[1])
+              end
+            end
+            if options[:values]
+              for value in options[:values]
+                  raise "Value index '"+value[1].to_s+"' must be an integer, is " + value[1].class.to_s if value[1].class != 1.class
+                  raise "Already have value index '" + value[1].to_s + "' in another model but with different prefix '" + @@values_by_number[value[1]].to_s + "'" if @@values_by_number.include?(value[1]) && @@values_by_number[value[1]] != value[2]
+                  # date types are special, mark them so the first model they're seen for
+                  if !@@values_by_number.include?(value[1])
+                      if value[3] == :date
+                          value_range = Xapian::DateValueRangeProcessor.new(value[1])
+                      elsif value[3] == :string
+                          value_range = Xapian::StringValueRangeProcessor.new(value[1])
+                      elsif value[3] == :number
+                          value_range = Xapian::NumberValueRangeProcessor.new(value[1])
+                      else
+                          raise "Unknown value type '" + value[3].to_s + "'"
+                      end
+                      @@query_parser.add_valuerangeprocessor(value_range)
+                      # stop it being garbage collected, as
+                      # add_valuerangeprocessor ref is outside Ruby's GC
+                      @@value_ranges_store.push(value_range)
+                  end
+                  @@values_by_number[value[1]] = value[2]
+                  @@values_by_prefix[value[2]] = value[1]
+              end
+            end
+        end
+    end
+    def ActsAsXapian.writable_init(suffix = "")
+        raise NoXapianRubyBindingsError.new("Xapian Ruby bindings not installed") unless ActsAsXapian.bindings_available
+        # XXX called so db_path is made, shouldn't really be calling .init here
+        # as will make it remake stemmer etc. excessively often.
+        ActsAsXapian.init
+        new_path = @@db_path + suffix
+        raise "writable_suffix/suffix inconsistency" if @@writable_suffix && @@writable_suffix != suffix
+        if @@writable_db.nil?
+            # for indexing
+            @@writable_db = Xapian::WritableDatabase.new(new_path, Xapian::DB_CREATE_OR_OPEN)
+            @@term_generator = Xapian::TermGenerator.new()
+            @@term_generator.set_flags(Xapian::TermGenerator::FLAG_SPELLING, 0)
+            @@term_generator.database = @@writable_db
+            @@term_generator.stemmer = @@stemmer
+            @@writable_suffix = suffix
+        end
+    end
+    ######################################################################
+    # Search with a query or for similar models
+    # Base class for Search and Similar below
+    class QueryBase
+        attr_accessor :offset
+        attr_accessor :limit
+        attr_accessor :query
+        attr_accessor :matches
+        attr_accessor :query_models
+        def initialize_db
+            ActsAsXapian.readable_init
+            if ActsAsXapian.db.nil?
+                raise "ActsAsXapian not initialized"
+            end
+        end
+        # Set self.query before calling this
+        def initialize_query(options)
+            #raise options.to_yaml
+            offset = options[:offset] || 0; offset = offset.to_i
+            limit = options[:limit] || -1; limit = limit.to_i # -1 means all matches?
+            sort_by_prefix = options[:sort_by_prefix] || nil
+            sort_by_ascending = options[:sort_by_ascending] || true
+            collapse_by_prefix = options[:collapse_by_prefix] || nil
+            ActsAsXapian.enquire.query = self.query
+            if sort_by_prefix.nil?
+                ActsAsXapian.enquire.sort_by_relevance!
+            else
+                value = ActsAsXapian.values_by_prefix[sort_by_prefix]
+                raise "couldn't find prefix '" + sort_by_prefix + "'" if value.nil?
+                ActsAsXapian.enquire.sort_by_value_then_relevance!(value, sort_by_ascending)
+            end
+            if collapse_by_prefix.nil?
+                ActsAsXapian.enquire.collapse_key = Xapian.BAD_VALUENO
+            else
+                value = ActsAsXapian.values_by_prefix[collapse_by_prefix]
+                raise "couldn't find prefix '" + collapse_by_prefix + "'" if value.nil?
+                ActsAsXapian.enquire.collapse_key = value
+            end
+            self.matches = ActsAsXapian.enquire.mset(offset, limit, 100)
+            @cached_results = nil
+        end
+        # Return a description of the query
+        def description
+            self.query.description
+        end
+        # Estimate total number of results
+        def matches_estimated
+            self.matches.matches_estimated
+        end
+        # Return query string with spelling correction
+        def spelling_correction
+            correction = ActsAsXapian.query_parser.get_corrected_query_string
+            if correction.empty?
+                return nil
+            end
+            return correction
+        end
+        # Return array of models found
+        def results
+            # If they've already pulled out the results, just return them.
+            if not @cached_results.nil?
+                return @cached_results
+            end
+            # Pull out all the results
+            docs = []
+            iter = self.matches._begin
+            while not iter.equals(self.matches._end)
+                docs.push({:data => iter.document.data,
+                        :percent => iter.percent,
+                        :weight => iter.weight,
+                        :collapse_count => iter.collapse_count})
+                iter.next
+            end
+            # Look up without too many SQL queries
+            lhash = {}
+            lhash.default = []
+            for doc in docs
+                k = doc[:data].split('-')
+                lhash[k[0]] = lhash[k[0]] + [k[1]]
+            end
+            # for each class, look up all ids
+            chash = {}
+            for cls, ids in lhash
+                conditions = [ "#{cls.constantize.table_name}.id in (?)", ids ]
+                found = cls.constantize.find(:all, :conditions => conditions, :include => cls.constantize.xapian_options[:eager_load])
+                for f in found
+                    chash[[cls, f.id]] = f
+                end
+            end
+            # now get them in right order again
+            results = []
+            docs.each{|doc| k = doc[:data].split('-'); results << { :model => chash[[k[0], k[1].to_i]],
+                    :percent => doc[:percent], :weight => doc[:weight], :collapse_count => doc[:collapse_count] } }
+            @cached_results = results
+            return results
+        end
+    end
+    # Search for a query string, returns an array of hashes in result order.
+    # Each hash contains the actual Rails object in :model, and other detail
+    # about relevancy etc. in other keys.
+    class Search < QueryBase
+        attr_accessor :query_string
+        # Note that model_classes is not only sometimes useful here - it's
+        # essential to make sure the classes have been loaded, and thus
+        # acts_as_xapian called on them, so we know the fields for the query
+        # parser.
+        # model_classes - model classes to search within, e.g. [PublicBody,
+        # User]. Can take a single model class, or you can express the model
+        # class names in strings if you like.
+        # query_string - user inputed query string, with syntax much like Google Search
+        def initialize(model_classes, query_string, options = {})
+            # Check parameters, convert to actual array of model classes
+            new_model_classes = []
+            model_classes = [model_classes] if model_classes.class != Array
+            for model_class in model_classes:
+                raise "pass in the model class itself, or a string containing its name" if model_class.class != Class && model_class.class != String
+                model_class = model_class.constantize if model_class.class == String
+                new_model_classes.push(model_class)
+            end
+            model_classes = new_model_classes
+            # Set things up
+            self.initialize_db
+            # Case of a string, searching for a Google-like syntax query
+            self.query_string = query_string
+            # Construct query which only finds things from specified models
+            model_query = Xapian::Query.new(Xapian::Query::OP_OR, model_classes.map{|mc| "M" + mc.to_s})
+            user_query = ActsAsXapian.query_parser.parse_query(self.query_string,
+                  Xapian::QueryParser::FLAG_BOOLEAN | Xapian::QueryParser::FLAG_PHRASE |
+                  Xapian::QueryParser::FLAG_LOVEHATE | Xapian::QueryParser::FLAG_WILDCARD |
+                  Xapian::QueryParser::FLAG_SPELLING_CORRECTION)
+            self.query = Xapian::Query.new(Xapian::Query::OP_AND, model_query, user_query)
+            # Call base class constructor
+            self.initialize_query(options)
+        end
+        # Return just normal words in the query i.e. Not operators, ones in
+        # date ranges or similar. Use this for cheap highlighting with
+        # TextHelper::highlight, and excerpt.
+        def words_to_highlight
+            query_nopunc = self.query_string.gsub(/[^a-z0-9:\.\/_]/i, " ")
+            query_nopunc = query_nopunc.gsub(/\s+/, " ")
+            words = query_nopunc.split(" ")
+            # Remove anything with a :, . or / in it
+            words = words.find_all {|o| !o.match(/(:|\.|\/)/) }
+            words = words.find_all {|o| !o.match(/^(AND|NOT|OR|XOR)$/) }
+            return words
+        end
+    end
+    # Search for models which contain theimportant terms taken from a specified
+    # list of models. i.e. Use to find documents similar to one (or more)
+    # documents, or use to refine searches.
+    class Similar < QueryBase
+        attr_accessor :query_models
+        attr_accessor :important_terms
+        # model_classes - model classes to search within, e.g. [PublicBody, User]
+        # query_models - list of models you want to find things similar to
+        def initialize(model_classes, query_models, options = {})
+            self.initialize_db
+            # Case of an array, searching for models similar to those models in the array
+            self.query_models = query_models
+            # Find the documents by their unique term
+            input_models_query = Xapian::Query.new(Xapian::Query::OP_OR, query_models.map{|m| "I" + m.xapian_document_term})
+            ActsAsXapian.enquire.query = input_models_query
+            matches = ActsAsXapian.enquire.mset(0, 100, 100) # XXX so this whole method will only work with 100 docs
+            # Get set of relevant terms for those documents
+            selection = Xapian::RSet.new()
+            iter = matches._begin
+            while not iter.equals(matches._end)
+                selection.add_document(iter)
+                iter.next
+            end
+            # Bit weird that the function to make esets is part of the enquire
+            # object. This explains what exactly it does, which is to exclude
+            # terms in the existing query.
+            # http://thread.gmane.org/gmane.comp.search.xapian.general/3673/focus=3681
+            eset = ActsAsXapian.enquire.eset(40, selection)
+            # Do main search for them
+            self.important_terms = []
+            iter = eset._begin
+            while not iter.equals(eset._end)
+                self.important_terms.push(iter.term)
+                iter.next
+            end
+            similar_query = Xapian::Query.new(Xapian::Query::OP_OR, self.important_terms)
+            # Exclude original
+            combined_query = Xapian::Query.new(Xapian::Query::OP_AND_NOT, similar_query, input_models_query)
+            # Restrain to model classes
+            model_query = Xapian::Query.new(Xapian::Query::OP_OR, model_classes.map{|mc| "M" + mc.to_s})
+            self.query = Xapian::Query.new(Xapian::Query::OP_AND, model_query, combined_query)
+            # Call base class constructor
+            self.initialize_query(options)
+        end
+    end
+    ######################################################################
+    # Index
+    # Offline indexing job queue model, create with migration made
+    # using "script/generate acts_as_xapian" as described in ../README.txt
+    class ActsAsXapianJob < ActiveRecord::Base
+    end
+    # Update index with any changes needed, call this offline. Only call it
+    # from a script that exits - otherwise Xapian's writable database won't
+    # flush your changes. Specifying flush will reduce performance, but
+    # make sure that each index update is definitely saved to disk before
+    # logging in the database that it has been.
+    def ActsAsXapian.update_index(flush = false, verbose = false)
+        ActsAsXapian.writable_init
+        ids_to_refresh = ActsAsXapianJob.find(:all).map() { |i| i.id }
+        for id in ids_to_refresh
+            begin
+                ActiveRecord::Base.transaction do
+                    job = ActsAsXapianJob.find(id, :lock =>true)
+                    STDOUT.puts("ActsAsXapian.update_index #{job.action} #{job.model} #{job.model_id.to_s}") if verbose
+                    if job.action == 'update'
+                        # XXX Index functions may reference other models, so we could eager load here too?
+                        model = job.model.constantize.find(job.model_id) # :include => cls.constantize.xapian_options[:include]
+                        model.xapian_index
+                    elsif job.action == 'destroy'
+                        # Make dummy model with right id, just for destruction
+                        model = job.model.constantize.new
+                        model.id = job.model_id
+                        model.xapian_destroy
+                    else
+                        raise "unknown ActsAsXapianJob action '" + job.action + "'"
+                    end
+                    job.destroy
+                    if flush
+                        ActsAsXapian.writable_db.flush
+                    end
+                end
+            rescue => detail
+                # print any error, and carry on so other things are indexed
+                # XXX If item is later deleted, this should give up, and it
+                # won't. It will keep trying (assuming update_index called from
+                # regular cron job) and mayhap cause trouble.
+                STDERR.puts(detail.backtrace.join("\n") + "\nFAILED ActsAsXapian.update_index job #{id} #{$!}")
+            end
+        end
+    end
+    # You must specify *all* the models here, this totally rebuilds the Xapian database.
+    # You'll want any readers to reopen the database after this.
+    def ActsAsXapian.rebuild_index(model_classes, verbose = false)
+        raise "when rebuilding all, please call as first and only thing done in process / task" if not ActsAsXapian.writable_db.nil?
+        # Delete any existing .new database, and open a new one
+        new_path = ActsAsXapian.db_path + ".new"
+        if File.exist?(new_path)
+            raise "found existing " + new_path + " which is not Xapian flint database, please delete for me" if not File.exist?(File.join(new_path, "iamflint"))
+            FileUtils.rm_r(new_path)
+        end
+        ActsAsXapian.writable_init(".new")
+        # Index everything
+        # XXX not a good place to do this destroy, as unindexed list is lost if
+        # process is aborted and old database carries on being used. Perhaps do in
+        # transaction and commit after rename below? Not sure if thenlocking is then bad
+        # for live website running at same time.
+        ActsAsXapianJob.destroy_all
+        for model_class in model_classes
+            models = model_class.find(:all)
+            for model in models
+                STDOUT.puts("ActsAsXapian.rebuild_index #{model_class} #{model.id}") if verbose
+                model.xapian_index
+            end
+        end
+        ActsAsXapian.writable_db.flush
+        # Rename into place
+        old_path = ActsAsXapian.db_path
+        temp_path = ActsAsXapian.db_path + ".tmp"
+        if File.exist?(temp_path)
+            raise "temporary database found " + temp_path + " which is not Xapian flint database, please delete for me" if not File.exist?(File.join(temp_path, "iamflint"))
+            FileUtils.rm_r(temp_path)
+        end
+        if File.exist?(old_path)
+            FileUtils.mv old_path, temp_path
+        end
+        FileUtils.mv new_path, old_path
+        # Delete old database
+        if File.exist?(temp_path)
+            raise "old database now at " + temp_path + " is not Xapian flint database, please delete for me" if not File.exist?(File.join(temp_path, "iamflint"))
+            FileUtils.rm_r(temp_path)
+        end
+        # You'll want to restart your FastCGI or Mongrel processes after this,
+        # so they get the new db
+    end
+    ######################################################################
+    # Instance methods that get injected into your model.
+    module InstanceMethods
+        # Used internally
+        def xapian_document_term
+            self.class.to_s + "-" + self.id.to_s
+        end
+        # Extract value of a field from the model
+        def xapian_value(field, type = nil)
+            value = self[field] || self.send(field.to_sym)
+            if type == :date
+                value.utc.strftime("%Y%m%d")
+            elsif type == :boolean
+                value ? true : false
+            else
+                value.to_s
+            end
+        end
+        # Store record in the Xapian database
+        def xapian_index
+            # if we have a conditional function for indexing, call it and destory object if failed
+            if self.class.xapian_options.include?(:if)
+                if_value = xapian_value(self.class.xapian_options[:if], :boolean)
+                if not if_value
+                    self.xapian_destroy
+                    return
+                end
+            end
+            # otherwise (re)write the Xapian record for the object
+            doc = Xapian::Document.new
+            ActsAsXapian.term_generator.document = doc
+            doc.data = self.xapian_document_term
+            doc.add_term("M" + self.class.to_s)
+            doc.add_term("I" + doc.data)
+            if self.xapian_options[:terms]
+              for term in self.xapian_options[:terms]
+                  doc.add_term(term[1] + xapian_value(term[0]))
+              end
+            end
+            if self.xapian_options[:values]
+              for value in self.xapian_options[:values]
+                  doc.add_value(value[1], xapian_value(value[0], value[3]))
+              end
+            end
+            if self.xapian_options[:texts]
+              for text in self.xapian_options[:texts]
+                  ActsAsXapian.term_generator.increase_termpos # stop phrases spanning different text fields
+                  ActsAsXapian.term_generator.index_text(xapian_value(text))
+              end
+            end
+            ActsAsXapian.writable_db.replace_document("I" + doc.data, doc)
+        end
+        # Delete record from the Xapian database
+        def xapian_destroy
+            ActsAsXapian.writable_db.delete_document("I" + self.xapian_document_term)
+        end
+        # Used to mark changes needed by batch indexer
+        def xapian_mark_needs_index
+            model = self.class.to_s
+            model_id = self.id
+            ActiveRecord::Base.transaction do
+                found = ActsAsXapianJob.delete_all([ "model = ? and model_id = ?", model, model_id])
+                job = ActsAsXapianJob.new
+                job.model = model
+                job.model_id = model_id
+                job.action = 'update'
+                job.save!
+            end
+        end
+        def xapian_mark_needs_destroy
+            model = self.class.to_s
+            model_id = self.id
+            ActiveRecord::Base.transaction do
+                found = ActsAsXapianJob.delete_all([ "model = ? and model_id = ?", model, model_id])
+                job = ActsAsXapianJob.new
+                job.model = model
+                job.model_id = model_id
+                job.action = 'destroy'
+                job.save!
+            end
+        end
+     end
+    ######################################################################
+    # Main entry point, add acts_as_xapian to your model.
+    module ActsMethods
+        # See top of this file for docs
+        def acts_as_xapian(options)
+            # Give error only on queries if bindings not available
+            if not ActsAsXapian.bindings_available
+                return
+            end
+            include InstanceMethods
+            cattr_accessor :xapian_options
+            self.xapian_options = options
+            ActsAsXapian.init(self.class.to_s, options)
+            after_save :xapian_mark_needs_index
+            after_destroy :xapian_mark_needs_destroy
+        end
+    end
+# Reopen ActiveRecord and include the acts_as_xapian method
+ActiveRecord::Base.extend ActsAsXapian::ActsMethods
diff --git a/wui/src/vendor/plugins/acts_as_xapian/tasks/xapian.rake b/wui/src/vendor/plugins/acts_as_xapian/tasks/xapian.rake
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..682b138
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wui/src/vendor/plugins/acts_as_xapian/tasks/xapian.rake
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+require 'rubygems'
+require 'rake'
+require 'rake/testtask'
+require 'activerecord'
+require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../lib/acts_as_xapian.rb'
+namespace :xapian do
+    # Parameters - specify "flush=true" to save changes to the Xapian database
+    # after each model that is updated. This is safer, but slower. Specify
+    # "verbose=true" to print model name as it is run.
+    desc 'Updates Xapian search index with changes to models since last call'
+    task (:update_index => :environment) do
+        ActsAsXapian.update_index(ENV['flush'] ? true : false, ENV['verbose'] ? true : false)
+    end
+    # Parameters - specify 'models="PublicBody User"' to say which models
+    # you index with Xapian.
+    # This totally rebuilds the database, so you will want to restart any
+    # web server afterwards to make sure it gets the changes, rather than
+    # still pointing to the old deleted database. Specify "verbose=true" to
+    # print model name as it is run.
+    desc 'Completely rebuilds Xapian search index (must specify all models)'
+    task (:rebuild_index => :environment) do
+        raise "specify ALL your models with models=\"ModelName1 ModelName2\" as parameter" if ENV['models'].nil?
+        ActsAsXapian.rebuild_index(ENV['models'].split(" ").map{|m| m.constantize}, ENV['verbose'] ? true : false)
+    end
+    # Parameters - are models, query, offset, limit, sort_by_prefix,
+    # collapse_by_prefix
+    desc 'Run a query, return YAML of results'
+    task (:query => :environment) do
+        raise "specify models=\"ModelName1 ModelName2\" as parameter" if ENV['models'].nil?
+        raise "specify query=\"your terms\" as parameter" if ENV['query'].nil?
+        s = ActsAsXapian::Search.new(ENV['models'].split(" ").map{|m| m.constantize},
+            ENV['query'],
+            :offset => (ENV['offset'] || 0), :limit => (ENV['limit'] || 10),
+            :sort_by_prefix => (ENV['sort_by_prefix'] || nil),
+            :collapse_by_prefix => (ENV['collapse_by_prefix'] || nil)
+        )
+        STDOUT.puts(s.results.to_yaml)
+    end

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