[Ovirt-devel] [PATCH recipe] Move logic for appliance setup from kickstart to recipe

Perry Myers pmyers at redhat.com
Sun Nov 9 07:45:59 UTC 2008

The only logic left in the kickstart is generic appliance setup information

Signed-off-by: Perry Myers <pmyers at redhat.com>
 appliances/ovirt/files/cobbler-import              |   46 +++++++++++++++
 appliances/ovirt/files/ovirt-server-appliance      |    2 +-
 appliances/ovirt/ovirt.pp.in                       |   33 ++++++-----
 .../templates/ovirt-server-appliance-setup.erb     |   60 ++++++++++++++++++++
 4 files changed, 126 insertions(+), 15 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 appliances/ovirt/files/cobbler-import

diff --git a/appliances/ovirt/files/cobbler-import b/appliances/ovirt/files/cobbler-import
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5695f12
--- /dev/null
+++ b/appliances/ovirt/files/cobbler-import
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+# Import Cobbler profiles on first boot
+set -x
+for dir in $ksdir/* ; do
+    base=$(basename $dir)
+    os=$(echo $base | cut -d '-' -f 1)
+    ver=$(echo $base | cut -d '-' -f 2)
+    arch=$(echo $base | cut -d '-' -f 2)
+    test -z "$os" -o -z "$ver" -o -z "$arch"
+    && { echo "Skipping $dir, not a valid cobbler profile" ; continue ; }
+    cobbler import --name=$os-$ver --arch=$arch \
+        --path=$dir
+    cobbler repo add --name=f$ver-$arch --arch=$arch --mirror-locally=0 \
+        --mirror=$url/releases/$ver/Everything/$arch/os
+    cobbler repo add --name=f$ver-$arch-updates --arch=$arch --mirror-locally=0 \
+        --mirror=$url/updates/$ver/$arch.newkey
+    sed -e 's#^reboot.*#poweroff#' /etc/cobbler/sample_end.ks \
+        > /etc/cobbler/sample-$os-$ver-$arch.ks
+    cobbler profile edit --name=$os-$ver-$arch \
+        --repos="f$ver-$arch f$ver-$arch-updates" \
+        --kickstart=/etc/cobbler/sample-$os-$ver-$arch.ks
+# TODO extract Node boot params from /var/lib/tftboot/pxelinux.cfg/default
+# before Cobbler overwrites it
+cobbler distro add --name="oVirt-Node-$arch" --arch=$arch \
+    --initrd=/var/lib/tftpboot/initrd0.img --kernel=/var/lib/tftpboot/vmlinuz0 \
+    --kopts="rootflags=loop root=/ovirt-node-image.iso rootfstype=iso9660 ro console=ttyS0,115200n8 console=tty0"
+cobbler profile add --name=oVirt-Node-$arch --distro=oVirt-Node-$arch
+cobbler system add --netboot-enabled=1 --profile=oVirt-Node-$arch \
+    --name=node3 --mac=00:16:3e:12:34:57
+cobbler system add --netboot-enabled=1 --profile=oVirt-Node-$arch \
+    --name=node4 --mac=00:16:3e:12:34:58 --kopts="ovirt_init=scsi ovirt_local_boot"
+cobbler system add --netboot-enabled=1 --profile=oVirt-Node-$arch \
+    --name=node5 --mac=00:16:3e:12:34:59 --kopts="ovirt_init=scsi"
+set +x
+echo "Add new oVirt Nodes as Cobbler systems to make them PXE boot oVirt Node image directly."
+echo "oVirt-Node-$arch is also default boot option in Cobbler menu"
diff --git a/appliances/ovirt/files/ovirt-server-appliance b/appliances/ovirt/files/ovirt-server-appliance
index e7ba7bd..5cf530d 100644
--- a/appliances/ovirt/files/ovirt-server-appliance
+++ b/appliances/ovirt/files/ovirt-server-appliance
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 # ovirt-server-appliance oVirt Server Appliance service
-# chkconfig: 3 60 40
+# chkconfig: 3 96 4
 # description: ovirt server appliance service
diff --git a/appliances/ovirt/ovirt.pp.in b/appliances/ovirt/ovirt.pp.in
index e06f72c..299a11d 100644
--- a/appliances/ovirt/ovirt.pp.in
+++ b/appliances/ovirt/ovirt.pp.in
@@ -136,17 +136,6 @@ file_replacement{"nat_forwarding" :
     notify => Service[network]
-file {"/etc/init.d/ovirt-server-appliance":
-	source => "puppet:///ovirt/ovirt-server-appliance",
-	mode => 755
-service {"ovirt-server-appliance":
-    ensure => "running",
-    enable => true ,
-    require => [File["/etc/init.d/ovirt-server-appliance"], Service["network"], Service["httpd"]]
 service {"nfs":
     ensure => "running",
     enable => true,
@@ -169,15 +158,31 @@ file {"/usr/sbin/ovirt-server-appliance-setup":
     mode => 755
+file {"/usr/sbin/cobbler-import":
+	source => "puppet:///ovirt/cobbler-import",
+	mode => 755
 single_exec {"ovirt_appliance_installation":
     command => "/usr/sbin/ovirt-server-appliance-setup >> /var/log/ovirt-server-appliance-setup.log",
-    require => [File["/usr/sbin/ovirt-server-appliance-setup"], Service["ovirt-server-appliance"],
-                Exec["reload-firewall"]]
+    require => [File["/usr/sbin/ovirt-server-appliance-setup"], Exec["reload-firewall"]]
+file {"/etc/init.d/ovirt-server-appliance":
+	source => "puppet:///ovirt/ovirt-server-appliance",
+	mode => 755
+service {"ovirt-server-appliance":
+    ensure => "running",
+    enable => true ,
+    require => [File["/etc/init.d/ovirt-server-appliance"], Service["network"], Service["httpd"],
+                Single_exec["ovirt_appliance_installation"]]
 single_exec {"ovirt_installation":
     command => "/usr/sbin/ovirt-server-install >> /var/log/ovirt-server-install.log",
-    require => [Service["postgresql"],Single_exec["ovirt_appliance_installation"]]
+    require => [Service["postgresql"],Service["ovirt-server-appliance"]]
diff --git a/appliances/ovirt/templates/ovirt-server-appliance-setup.erb b/appliances/ovirt/templates/ovirt-server-appliance-setup.erb
index 5fbf67a..fd080b3 100644
--- a/appliances/ovirt/templates/ovirt-server-appliance-setup.erb
+++ b/appliances/ovirt/templates/ovirt-server-appliance-setup.erb
@@ -1,5 +1,15 @@
 export PATH=/usr/kerberos/bin:$PATH
+# make sure to update the /etc/hosts with the list of all possible DHCP
+# addresses we can hand out; dnsmasq uses this
+sed -i -e 's/management\.priv\.ovirt\.org//' /etc/hosts
+echo " physical.priv.ovirt.org" >> /etc/hosts
+echo " management.priv.ovirt.org" >> /etc/hosts
+for i in `seq 3 252` ; do
+    echo "192.168.50.$i node$i.priv.ovirt.org" >> /etc/hosts
 # workaround for https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=451936
 sed -i '/\[kdcdefaults\]/a \ kdc_ports = 88' /usr/share/ipa/kdc.conf.template
 # set up freeipa
@@ -31,6 +41,56 @@ ipa-adduser -f Ovirt -l Admin -p <%= password %> <%= principal %>
 ipa-modgroup -a ovirtadmin admins
 ipa-moduser --setattr krbPasswordExpiration=19700101000000Z <%= principal %>
+# the code to contact the host we are running on and make it configure itself
+# note that this has to be done in rc.local (as opposed to ovirt-wui-dev)
+# because when ovirt-wui-dev starts, the host-browser is not yet running
+cat >> /etc/rc.d/rc.local << \EOF
+# Try to contact the host we are running on; if we succeed, we'll use it as
+# one of the managed nodes; if not, no big deal
+(exec 3<> /dev/tcp/ && echo "AWAKE" 1>&3 \
+      && exec 3<> /dev/tcp/ && echo "IDENTIFY" 1>&3) || :
+# Create sparse files for iSCSI backing stores
+mkdir -p /mnt/data/ovirtiscsi
+mkdir -p /ovirtiscsi
+echo "/mnt/data/ovirtiscsi  /ovirtiscsi  bind bind 0 0" >> /etc/fstab
+mount /ovirtiscsi
+for i in `seq 1 5`; do
+    dd if=/dev/null of=/ovirtiscsi/iSCSI$i bs=1 count=1 seek=5G
+# make an NFS directory with some small, fake disks and export them via NFS
+# to show off the NFS part of the WUI
+mkdir -p /mnt/data/ovirtnfs
+mkdir -p /ovirtnfs
+echo "/mnt/data/ovirtnfs  /ovirtnfs  bind bind 0 0" >> /etc/fstab
+mount /ovirtnfs
+for i in `seq 1 5`; do
+    dd if=/dev/zero of=/ovirtnfs/disk$i.dsk bs=1 count=1 seek=5G
+echo "/ovirtnfs,no_root_squash)" >> /etc/exports
+# add an NFS directory to use for Cobbler image storage
+mkdir -p /mnt/data/cobblernfs
+mkdir -p /cobblernfs
+echo "/mnt/data/cobblernfs  /cobblernfs  bind bind 0 0" >> /etc/fstab
+mount /cobblernfs
+echo "/cobblernfs,no_root_squash)" >> /etc/exports
+# Import cobbler profiles
+# TODO use Augeas 0.3.0 Inifile lens
+sed -i -e "s/^module = authn_denyall.*/module = authn_configfile/" \
+    /etc/cobbler/modules.conf
+sed -i -e "s/^server:.*/server: ''/" \
+    -e "s/^next_server:.*/next_server: ''/" \
+    /etc/cobbler/settings
+sed -i -e '/kernel /a \\tIPAPPEND 2' /etc/cobbler/pxesystem.template
+sed -i -e "s/^ONTIMEOUT.*/ONTIMEOUT $(cat /tmp/cobbler-default)/" \
+    /etc/cobbler/pxedefault.template
 # Turn off ace on appliance restarts until we make the installation scripts
 # reentrant
 chkconfig ace off

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