[Ovirt-devel] Useful VM cleanup tool...

Darryl L. Pierce dpierce at redhat.com
Thu Apr 23 19:57:25 UTC 2009

If anybody's interested, here's a script I whipped up while working on
autotests. It takes as input a set of VM names and destroys then
undefines them. It also removes any network interfaces associated with
them (can be overridden with "-n"). So if you've defined a bunch of VMs
and don't want to manually deal with them, this script can be of use to

# Destroys and undefines a virtual machine and all of its elements.

ME=$(basename "$0")
warn() { printf '%s: %s\n' "$ME" "$*" >&2; }
die() {  warn "$*"; debug "Dying..."; exit 1; }
debug() { if $debugging; then log "[DEBUG] %s" "$*"; fi }

trap '__st=$?; exit $__st' 0
trap '__st=$?; exit $__st' 1 2 13 15

set -e
set -u

usage () {
    cat <<EOF
Usage: $ME NAME

Completely removes the specified virtual machine, and all virtual peripherals, such as
network devices and hard disks.
  -n: do not undefine networks (default: undefine networks)
  -d: display debugging output (default: off)
  -h: display this help and exit

 NAME - The name of the virtual machine to remove.

log () {
    printf "$(date): $*\n"

# $1 - virtual machine name
verify_vm_exists () {
    local name=${1-}
    local vm=$(sudo virsh list --all | awk '/'"$name"'/ { print $2 }')

    if [[ "$vm" == "$name" ]]; then
	log "Domain found: ${name}"
	log "Domain does not exist: ${name}"
	die "No such vm: ${name}";

# $1 - virtual machine name
destroy_vm () {
    local name=${1-}
    local xml=$(sudo virsh dumpxml $name)

    if [[ "running" == $(sudo virsh list | awk '/'"$name"'/ { print $3 }') ]]; then
	log "Shutting down \"${name}\"."
	sudo virsh destroy $name > /dev/null 2>&1

    debug "include_networks=${include_networks}"
    if $include_networks; then
	networks=$(echo $xml|awk '/source network=/ {match($0,"network='"'"'(\\w*)'"'"'",data); printf data[1];}')
	debug "networks=${networks}"
	for network in $networks; do
	    if [[ "active" == "$(sudo virsh net-list|awk '/^'"$network"'/ { print $2 }')" ]]; then
		log "Shutting down network: ${network}"
		sudo virsh net-destroy $network > /dev/null 2>&1
	    log "Undefining network: ${network}"
	    sudo virsh net-undefine $network > /dev/null 2>&1
	debug "Skipping networks"

    log "Undefining ${name}."
    sudo virsh undefine $name > /dev/null 2>&1


while getopts nvdh c; do
    case $c in
	n) include_networks=false;;
	d) debugging=true;;
	v) set -v;;
        h) usage; exit 0;;
	'?') die "invalid option \`-$OPTARG'";;
	:) die "missing argument to \`-$OPTARG' option";;
	*) die "internal error";;

shift $(($OPTIND -1))

if [ $# -le 0 ]; then
    die "You must specify at least one virtual machine"

for vm in $*; do
    verify_vm_exists $vm
    destroy_vm $vm


Darryl L. Pierce, Sr. Software Engineer @ Red Hat, Inc.
Virtual Machine Management - http://www.ovirt.org/
Is fearr Gaeilge bhriste ná Béarla cliste.
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