[Ovirt-devel] [PATCH server 2/8] Remove client/ directory, it will live in its own repo

David Lutterkort lutter at redhat.com
Mon Feb 2 20:35:31 UTC 2009

 client/README             |   17 -------
 client/examples/script.rb |  101 --------------------------------------------
 client/lib/ovirt.rb       |  102 ---------------------------------------------
 3 files changed, 0 insertions(+), 220 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 client/README
 delete mode 100755 client/examples/script.rb
 delete mode 100644 client/lib/ovirt.rb

diff --git a/client/README b/client/README
deleted file mode 100644
index ee1db15..0000000
--- a/client/README
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-This is a very simple client library for accessing the OVirt API from Ruby.
-The file examples/script.rb contains a script that shows how this is done
-in some detail.
-You must have ActiveResource installed, e.g. with 'yum install
-The server is specified with a URL of the form
-  http://USER:PASSWORD@HOST/ovirt
-This requires that the server is configured to allow HTTP authentication,
-since there are no mechanisms in the API to forward krb5 tickets.
-Before calling any other method on the API, you need to call
-  OVirt::Base::site = "http://USER:PASSWORD@HOST/ovirt"
-  OVirt::Base::login
diff --git a/client/examples/script.rb b/client/examples/script.rb
deleted file mode 100755
index 1485535..0000000
--- a/client/examples/script.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,101 +0,0 @@
-#! /usr/bin/ruby
-# Sample script that shows how to use the OVirt API
-require 'pp'
-require 'rubygems'
-require 'activeresource'
-require 'optparse'
-require 'ovirt'
-def move_random_host(hosts, pool)
-    host = hosts[rand(hosts.size)]
-    puts "Move #{host.hostname} to #{pool.name}"
-    pool.hosts << host
-    pool.save
-def element_path(obj)
-    "[#{obj.class.element_path(obj.id)}]"
-def print_pool(pool)
-    puts "\n\nPool #{pool.name}: #{pool.hosts.size} hosts, #{pool.storage_pools.size} storage pools #{element_path(pool)} "
-    puts "=" * 75
-    pool.hosts.each do |h|
-        printf "%-36s %s\n", h.hostname, element_path(h)
-    end
-    pool.storage_pools.each do |sp|
-        type = sp.nfs? ? "NFS" : "iSCSI"
-        printf "%-5s %-30s %s\n", type, sp.label, element_path(sp)
-    end
-    puts "-" * 75
-# Plumbing so we can find the OVirt server
-# "http://ovirt.watzmann.net:3000/ovirt/rest"
-OVirt::Base.site = ENV["OVIRT_SERVER"]
-opts = OptionParser.new("#{PROGNAME} GLOBAL_OPTS")
-opts.separator("  Run some things against an OVirt server. The server is specified with")
-opts.separator("  the -s option as a URL of the form http://USER:PASSWORD@SERVER/ovirt")
-opts.separator "Global options:"
-opts.on("-s", "--server=URL", "The OVirt server. Since there is no auth\n" +
-        "#{" "*37}yet, must be the mongrel server port.\n" +
-        "#{" "*37}Overrides env var OVIRT_SERVER") do |val|
-    OVirt::Base.site = val
-unless OVirt::Base.site
-    $stderr.puts <<EOF
-You must specify the OVirt server to connect to, either with the
---server option or through the OVIRT_SERVER environment variable
-    exit 1
-# Get a single host by name
-host = OVirt::Host.find_by_hostname("node3.priv.ovirt.org")
-puts "#{host.uuid} has id #{host.id}"
-# What's in the default pool
-defpool = OVirt::HardwarePool.default_pool
-# Create a new hardware pool
-mypool = OVirt::HardwarePool.find_by_path("/default/mypool")
-unless mypool
-    puts "Create mypool"
-    mypool = OVirt::HardwarePool.create( { :parent_id => defpool.id,
-                                             :name => "mypool" } )
-# Move some hosts around
-if defpool.hosts.size > 1
-    move_random_host(defpool.hosts, mypool)
-elsif mypool.hosts.size > 0
-    move_random_host(mypool.hosts, defpool)
-# Delete all storage pools for mypool and add a new one
-mypool.storage_pools.each do |sp|
-    puts "Delete storage pool #{sp.id}"
-    sp.destroy
-storage_pool = OVirt::StoragePool.create( { :storage_type => "NFS",
-                                            :hardware_pool_id => mypool.id,
-                                            :ip_addr => "",
-                                            :export_path => "/exports/pool1" } )
-puts "Created storage pool #{storage_pool.id}"
-# For some reason, mypool.reload doesn't work here
-mypool = OVirt::HardwarePool.find_by_path("/default/mypool")
diff --git a/client/lib/ovirt.rb b/client/lib/ovirt.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 15dc467..0000000
--- a/client/lib/ovirt.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,102 +0,0 @@
-require 'pp'
-require 'rubygems'
-require 'activeresource'
-class ActiveResource::Connection
-  attr_accessor :session
-  alias_method :old_default_header, :default_header
-  def default_header
-    old_default_header
-    @default_header ||= {}
-    if session
-      @default_header["Cookie"] = session
-    end
-    @default_header
-  end
-module OVirt
-    class Base < ActiveResource::Base
-      LOGIN_PATH = "login/login"
-      def self.login
-        response = nil
-        begin
-          response = connection.get(prefix + LOGIN_PATH)
-        rescue ActiveResource::Redirection => e
-          response = e.response
-        end
-        unless connection.session = session_cookie(response)
-          raise "Authentication failed"
-        end
-      end
-      private
-      def self.session_cookie(response)
-        if cookies = response.get_fields("Set-Cookie")
-          cookies.find { |cookie|
-            cookie.split(";")[0].split("=")[0] == "_ovirt_session_id"
-          }
-        end
-      end
-    end
-    class HardwarePool < Base
-        def self.find_by_path(path)
-            find(:first, :params => { :path => path })
-        end
-        def self.default_pool
-            find(:first, :params => { :path => "/default" })
-        end
-    end
-    class StoragePool < Base
-        def iscsi?
-            attributes["type"] == "IscsiStoragePool"
-        end
-        def nfs?
-            attributes["type"] == "NfsStoragePool"
-        end
-        def label
-            if iscsi?
-                "#{ip_addr}:#{port}:#{target}"
-            elsif nfs?
-                "#{ip_addr}:#{export_path}"
-            else
-                raise "Unknown type #{attributes["type"]}"
-            end
-        end
-    end
-    class IscsiStoragePool < StoragePool
-        def initialize(attributes = {})
-            super(attributes.update( "type" => "IscsiStoragePool" ))
-        end
-    end
-    class NfsStoragePool < StoragePool
-        def initialize(attributes = {})
-            super(attributes.update( "type" => "NfsStoragePool" ))
-        end
-    end
-    class Host < Base
-        def self.find_by_uuid(uuid)
-            find(:first, :params => { :uuid => uuid })
-        end
-        def self.find_by_hostname(hostname)
-            find(:first, :params => { :hostname => hostname })
-        end
-        def hardware_pool
-            HardwarePool.find(hardware_pool_id)
-        end
-    end

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