[Ovirt-devel] How to install ovirt in working environment?

Konstantin Kozlov kozlov at spbcas.ru
Thu Jul 2 13:09:49 UTC 2009


I have the following question.

How to install ovirt in working environment?


I want to install ovirt server on a physical host with Fedora 10 (Intel, 
no VT).

I installed rpms from ovirt repo as stated on website.

I allready have ipa, cobbler, dns, dhcp, nfs, two networks and such set 
up and working. I want to preserve this setup. The host I am installing 
ovirt on is ipa client. Ipa server is on another host.

I gave consistent answers on corresponding questions of ovirt-installer.

The script was produced as follows (ips and hostnames changed):

# Configurations script generated by ovirt-installer
# at Thu Jul 02 16:32:09 +0400 2009#

import 'ovirt'
import 'firewall'
     status => 'enabled'

firewall_rule{"ssh": destination_port => "22"}

#DNS Configuration
$guest_httpd_ipaddr = ''
$guest_ipaddr = ''
$admin_ipaddr = ''
$ovirt_host = 'station.example.ru'
$ipa_host = 'station.example.ru'

     guest_ipaddr=> $guest_ipaddr,
     admin_ipaddr=> $admin_ipaddr,
     guest_dev => 'eth1',
     admin_dev => 'eth1'

# DHCP Configuration

# Cobbler configuration
$cobbler_hostname = 'station.example.ru'
$cobbler_user_name = 'cobbler'
$cobbler_user_password = 'cobbler'

# Postgres Configuration
$db_username = 'ovirt'
$db_password = 'ovirtadmin'

# FreeIPA configuration
$realm_name = 'example.ru'
$freeipa_password = 'secret'
$short_ldap_dn = 'dc=example,dc=ru'
$ldap_dn = 'cn=ipaConfig,cn=etc,dc=example,dc=ru'

include cobbler::remote
include postgres::bundled
include freeipa::bundled
include ovirt::setup

I ran it with

ace -d -v install ovirt | tee ovirt-inst-log

And stopped it when it was going to run

Puppet::Type::Package::ProviderYum: Executing '/usr/bin/yum -d 0 -e 0 -y 
install ipa-server'
that I don't want. As far as I can tell only firewall has been changed 
which is not that bad.

So the question is how to change the output of installer to instruct the 
ace to install only ovirt and use ipa, cobbler etc from the current set up.

Sorry for the long story,

Best regards,


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