[Ovirt-devel] [PATCH server] Remove ununsed utils.rb file.

Ian Main imain at redhat.com
Wed Jul 29 16:12:51 UTC 2009

Somehow I missed this.. this file is no longer in use by taskomatic.

Signed-off-by: Ian Main <imain at redhat.com>
 src/task-omatic/utils.rb |  221 ----------------------------------------------
 1 files changed, 0 insertions(+), 221 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 src/task-omatic/utils.rb

diff --git a/src/task-omatic/utils.rb b/src/task-omatic/utils.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index e3005ed..0000000
--- a/src/task-omatic/utils.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,221 +0,0 @@
-require 'rexml/document'
-include REXML
-def String.random_alphanumeric(size=16)
-  s = ""
-  size.times { s << (i = Kernel.rand(62); i += ((i < 10) ? 48 : ((i < 36) ? 55 : 61 ))).chr }
-  s
-def all_storage_pools(conn)
-  all_pools = conn.list_defined_storage_pools
-  all_pools.concat(conn.list_storage_pools)
-  return all_pools
-def get_libvirt_lvm_pool_from_volume(db_volume)
-  phys_volume = StorageVolume.find(:first, :conditions =>
-                                   [ "lvm_pool_id = ?", db_volume.storage_pool_id])
-  return LibvirtPool.factory(phys_volume.storage_pool)
-class LibvirtPool
-  def initialize(type, name = nil)
-    @remote_pool = nil
-    @build_on_start = true
-    @remote_pool_defined = false
-    @remote_pool_started = false
-    if name == nil
-      @name = type + "-" + String.random_alphanumeric
-    else
-      @name = name
-    end
-    @xml = Document.new
-    @xml.add_element("pool", {"type" => type})
-    @xml.root.add_element("name").add_text(@name)
-    @xml.root.add_element("source")
-    @xml.root.add_element("target")
-    @xml.root.elements["target"].add_element("path")
-  end
-  def connect(conn)
-    all_storage_pools(conn).each do |remote_pool_name|
-      tmppool = conn.lookup_storage_pool_by_name(remote_pool_name)
-      if self.xmlequal?(Document.new(tmppool.xml_desc).root)
-        @remote_pool = tmppool
-        break
-      end
-    end
-    if @remote_pool == nil
-      @remote_pool = conn.define_storage_pool_xml(@xml.to_s)
-      # we need this because we don't necessarily want to "build" LVM pools,
-      # which might destroy existing data
-      if @build_on_start
-        @remote_pool.build
-      end
-      @remote_pool_defined = true
-    end
-    if @remote_pool.info.state == Libvirt::StoragePool::INACTIVE
-      # only try to start the pool if it is currently inactive; in all other
-      # states, assume it is already running
-      @remote_pool.create
-      @remote_pool_started = true
-    end
-  end
-  def list_volumes
-    return @remote_pool.list_volumes
-  end
-  def lookup_vol_by_path(dev)
-    return @remote_pool.lookup_volume_by_path(dev)
-  end
-  def lookup_vol_by_name(name)
-    return @remote_pool.lookup_volume_by_name(name)
-  end
-  def create_vol(type, name, size, owner, group, mode)
-    @vol_xml = Document.new
-    @vol_xml.add_element("volume", {"type" => type})
-    @vol_xml.root.add_element("name").add_text(name)
-    @vol_xml.root.add_element("capacity", {"unit" => "K"}).add_text(size.to_s)
-    @vol_xml.root.add_element("target")
-    @vol_xml.root.elements["target"].add_element("permissions")
-    @vol_xml.root.elements["target"].elements["permissions"].add_element("owner").add_text(owner)
-    @vol_xml.root.elements["target"].elements["permissions"].add_element("group").add_text(group)
-    @vol_xml.root.elements["target"].elements["permissions"].add_element("mode").add_text(mode)
-  end
-  def shutdown
-    if @remote_pool_started
-      @remote_pool.destroy
-    end
-    if @remote_pool_defined
-      @remote_pool.undefine
-    end
-  end
-  def xmlequal?(docroot)
-    return false
-  end
-  def self.factory(pool)
-    if pool[:type] == "IscsiStoragePool"
-      return IscsiLibvirtPool.new(pool.ip_addr, pool[:target])
-    elsif pool[:type] == "NfsStoragePool"
-      return NFSLibvirtPool.new(pool.ip_addr, pool.export_path)
-    elsif pool[:type] == "LvmStoragePool"
-      # OK, if this is LVM storage, there are two cases we need to care about:
-      # 1) this is a LUN with LVM already on it.  In this case, all we need to
-      #    do is to create a new LV (== libvirt volume), and be done with it
-      # 2) this LUN is blank, so there is no LVM on it already.  In this
-      #    case, we need to pvcreate, vgcreate first (== libvirt pool build),
-      #    and *then* create the new LV (== libvirt volume) on top of that.
-      #
-      # We can tell the difference between an LVM Pool that exists and one
-      # that needs to be created based on the value of the pool.state;
-      # if it is PENDING_SETUP, we need to create it first
-      phys_volume = StorageVolume.find(:first, :conditions =>
-                                       [ "lvm_pool_id = ?", pool.id])
-      return LVMLibvirtPool.new(pool.vg_name, phys_volume.path,
-                                pool.state == StoragePool::STATE_PENDING_SETUP)
-    else
-      raise "Unknown storage pool type " + pool[:type].to_s
-    end
-  end
-class IscsiLibvirtPool < LibvirtPool
-  def initialize(ip_addr, target)
-    super('iscsi')
-    @type = 'iscsi'
-    @ipaddr = ip_addr
-    @target = target
-    @xml.root.elements["source"].add_element("host", {"name" => @ipaddr})
-    @xml.root.elements["source"].add_element("device", {"path" => @target})
-    @xml.root.elements["target"].elements["path"].text = "/dev/disk/by-id"
-  end
-  def xmlequal?(docroot)
-    return (docroot.attributes['type'] == @type and
-            docroot.elements['source'].elements['host'].attributes['name'] == @ipaddr and
-            docroot.elements['source'].elements['device'].attributes['path'] == @target)
-  end
-class NFSLibvirtPool < LibvirtPool
-  def initialize(ip_addr, export_path)
-    super('netfs')
-    @type = 'netfs'
-    @host = ip_addr
-    @remote_path = export_path
-    @name = String.random_alphanumeric
-    @xml.root.elements["source"].add_element("host", {"name" => @host})
-    @xml.root.elements["source"].add_element("dir", {"path" => @remote_path})
-    @xml.root.elements["source"].add_element("format", {"type" => "nfs"})
-    @xml.root.elements["target"].elements["path"].text = "/mnt/" + @name
-  end
-  def create_vol(name, size, owner, group, mode)
-    # FIXME: this can actually take some time to complete (since we aren't
-    # doing sparse allocations at the moment).  During that time, whichever
-    # libvirtd we chose to use is completely hung up.  The solution is 3-fold:
-    # 1.  Allow sparse allocations in the WUI front-end
-    # 2.  Make libvirtd multi-threaded
-    # 3.  Make taskomatic multi-threaded
-    super("netfs", name, size, owner, group, mode)
-    # FIXME: we have to add the format as raw here because of a bug in libvirt;
-    # if you specify a volume with no format, it will crash libvirtd
-    @vol_xml.root.elements["target"].add_element("format", {"type" => "raw"})
-    @remote_pool.create_vol_xml(@vol_xml.to_s)
-  end
-  def xmlequal?(docroot)
-    return (docroot.attributes['type'] == @type and
-            docroot.elements['source'].elements['host'].attributes['name'] == @host and
-            docroot.elements['source'].elements['dir'].attributes['path'] == @remote_path)
-  end
-class LVMLibvirtPool < LibvirtPool
-  def initialize(vg_name, device, build_on_start)
-    super('logical', vg_name)
-    @type = 'logical'
-    @build_on_start = build_on_start
-    @xml.root.elements["source"].add_element("name").add_text(@name)
-    @xml.root.elements["source"].add_element("device", {"path" => device})
-    @xml.root.elements["target"].elements["path"].text = "/dev/" + @name
-  end
-  def create_vol(name, size, owner, group, mode)
-    super("logical", name, size, owner, group, mode)
-    @remote_pool.create_vol_xml(@vol_xml.to_s)
-  end
-  def xmlequal?(docroot)
-    return (docroot.attributes['type'] == @type and
-            docroot.elements['name'].text == @name and
-            docroot.elements['source'].elements['name'] == @name)
-  end

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